
The plateau--myth or reality?

Has anyone gained weight and then hit a point they couldn't get past?

Or has anyone hit a point where it's really hard to gain any more? Where they might be able to gain, but only if they really push themselves?

I've heard a few stories about this and wonder if it's true.
13 years

The plateau--myth or reality?

Yep, I've been stuck at the same weight for about five or six months, but that might change now that I've changed my diet.

It can happen, much like some bodybuilders reach a point where they're not adding any muscle mass to their bodies when they keep doing the same exercise routine.
13 years

The plateau--myth or reality?

Definitely reality. I got stuck for ages right before 300, but eventually broke through.

I'm now stuck again at 455, but working at crashing through it too. Frankly, I'm hoping that my body is just building infrastructure for further growth smiley
13 years