
Bad habits!

lol, i'm just going down the list ticking things off...

My lips are pretty sensitive so they chap easily and are prone to cold sores, not fun at all smiley.

I've always got at least one leg vibrating like a dead dog, I do it subconsciously and get yelled at all the time cause it can actually get pretty violent, lol i've rocked entire rows of seats as well as cars i'm in without noticing :$

I started cracking my knuckles when i first got into high school, pretty much a stress thing, it got really bad mid way through were i was just doing it non stop, got past it though, I still do it, but only occasionaly, when i feel "aww crap".

I'm sure there are more, lol i'm OCD about everything really. smiley
14 years

Bad habits!

I used to have the leg jitters, though I do it less now. But I'm still squirmy, and change positions a lot.

I'm a peeler. Matchbooks, bottle labels, anything that's paper and can be peeled.

I'm a fidgeter. I have toys everywhere to keep my hands busy. The plus side is that people love coming to my office. (There's also always food around, too, lol.)

And I swear like a sailor. When my daughter was in pre-school, her father got called in and asked not to say certain words at home. Champ that he is, he didn't tell them from *whom* the little snitch had learned said words... smiley
14 years

Bad habits!

If I have a pimple/blister/scab on me somewhere I find it hard to leave it alone...even if it's the "bleedin" type.

I tend to click my teeth when I'm just sitting around staring off into space.

I have a habit of pulling strange faces without even thinking about it, especially when playing video games *I've been told I'm quite hilarious to watch when I play Guitar Hero or Rock Band*

When I'm bored I'll tap the tunes to various songs out on tables and what-not

I'm one of them leg-jigglers too *and not just cause they're flabby lol*

I always pop my knuckles and I constantly crack my neck...

And I'm a crazy little pyro, don't trust me if I have a lighter...
14 years