
Wanting but not possible

There aren't any real secrets to dealing with peoples reactions and there isn't really a way to force them to change how they react, most people who gain just reach a point where the gain is more important to them then people's petty insults and just ignore it, focusing on their own happiness.

Its not easy though, I'm still struggling with it myself, but I suppose if its what you really want, you'll get there in the end. smiley
14 years

Wanting but not possible

you could try telling people you have been prescribed medication that is at is making you gain weight?
14 years

Wanting but not possible

Well, that is hard. I remember before I lived all this feeding dreams out myself and it was very frustrating. Now that I have done some, it is easier. I had not the constraints that you do, the only problem I got are feedees and feeders that live in closets (or a whole city and world of it ;-) and generally distance: when you find a feeder or feedee, they usually live on the other side of the country, which makes it pretty impossible to live this out in real life. I have at times had a feedee that lived 8 hours away, but it was still worth it.

Now if you can really make your environment accept your gaining depends, if your partner truly only likes thin women OR if he is (and so many are) brainwashed by the media and hollywood into believing that only thin = attractive. There must be tons and tons of men hiding in the closet that are FA. They hide, because they are not sure enough to explore their love for fat or even admit it to themselves, because they don't feel any support for it from anybody. They might deep inside love fat and curves, but they know that that can't be right and that they must be crazy (since everybody else doesn't neither).

So showing to your partner that you are growing, telling him that you can't help it but find it kinda exciting (lets see if he will deny the hotness of your now larger breasts, WHICH MAN would??) and let it sink in slowly. Slowly is the trick, if there is a chance that it will work.
Being self confident will help a lot, since there is a fact that women only get called names like "fatty" or "lose some weight" when people can sense that they themselves are weak and unsure about it and "know" that they are too fat. They know that a self confident woman would not care the least and for some reasons, people only ever attack somebody that would not fight back.

When people tell me that my like for fat women is strange or that "I am a rare kind with that", they usually stop pretty fast talking more about it, since they can tell that I know about 1300% more about the subject and have digged deep inside me to find this preference that they feel their happhazard opinion meets me deep conviction. And the unsure or superficially opinionated usually swing easily to somebodies conviction that stands strong.
You know what you are, what you like and that sooner or later you will be large. We all know this, that this is inside us, even when we were kids. I always knew I wanted to feed women and help them gain weight. And I know it will never change. So you can be sure of it.
Not the aggresive type of sure, but the calm "I don't need to convince nobody" type.

Just never feel ugly or show that you do (with being fat) because that is easily picked on and already the general current in your environement. It is like you are a fashion designer out to convince the world of a new wonderful design that is so far being denied the status of beauty by many, but for no true real reason.

Make them believers!

14 years