
What if you don't want to date a feeder/feedee

I know how you feel, personaly i've never dated anyone and I don't want to restrict myself by saying I'll only date people who have the same sexual interest as me.

However, from the experiences people have given here, it seems to be discouraged as the consensus is that the fetish will win out in the end and doom any relationship where it isn't present.

I prefer to think though that any mistakes are ours to make, rather then letting other peoples advice rule our lives. As long as we don't try to force our desires onto someone who isn't interested, why should we have to limit ourselves so? smiley
13 years

What if you don't want to date a feeder/feedee

Porking Up wrote
Thanks for the responses.

Well, I have to say that the only thing that can make me ejaculate is the thought of a girl fattening up and loving it or a girl at least loving being fat. I have had sex before, but never with a girl who loved being plump, hence I have never come before from sexual intercourse. I don't fantasize about sex during masturbation, either.

Sex is important to everyone, but less so to me, I think. I would actually be happy to be in a relationship with someone I found attractive yet wasn't chubby or gaining and have sex just to get her off...with the added bonus of her knowing that I wasn't going to get off first and leave her hanging. Still, virtually everyone I have talked to said that that won't work, that the girl would figure I was either secretly gay or that she just wasn't sexy enough to do the's even worse being a guy since guys are always seen as easy to satisfy.

I admit that gaining myself turns me on, but I have decided not to pursue it though my goals are/were modest. I am 6'3", about 250 lbs, and at most I want(ed) to be 275. However, I can't deny the discomfort I feel on hot days and when I was at my biggest (about 10 lbs heavier than I am now), my calves would ache if I walked farther than eight blocks. What's interesting is that while I am only turned on by chubby girls, I would be able to get off dating a skinny girl if she loved me fat. However, after a lot of deliberation, I just don't think it's a good idea for me.

Last night after posting this question, I went from being very depressed and thinking "Well, guess you probably won't ever date again" to thinking to myself, "Well, there ARE a lot of plump girls out there...there HAS to be one who's attractive and confident about being chubby." I'm still not totally convinced...while they ARE out there, it still frustrates me and I can't help thinking "Why do you have to have this stupid fetish? Why can't you just get off from normal sex like most others?" It's not even that I think this is a sick or perverted fetish, but rather an inconvenient one.

I presume, then, that if I AM going to date again, sex is going to have to be a part of it, sex with mutual satisfaction. Anyone have any dissenting opinion based on the info I placed above?

Wow Dude, you're saying things here that I believed only I had ever thought, good to know i'm not alone in the way I feel about this whole thing. Hope it all works out for you. smiley
13 years

What if you don't want to date a feeder/feedee

Very familiar subject indeed! Thanks for taking the time to write your professional 'analysis' Eagledancer, very interesting.

I would love to be in a relationship with a women who enjoys being bigger, or at least comfortable with it. That alone is hard enough, which is why I've come a certain 'agreement' with myself:
I would like to be bigger, but I do intentionally gain large amounts of weight. If I would find a girl that would like me to be bigger, great! But I am definately willing to accept it if she does not.
I only date girls that 'arent skinny'. Simply because that's where my sexual 'drive' kicks in. Any of my fantasies beyond that, such as gaining etc. are 'optional'.

It took me years to accept who I am (mentally, physically and sexually) and my river has flown in many directions (to quote Eagledancer's metaphor), but slowly it's starting to flow with the right balance of mental, physical and sexual direction to ease my mind. The only advice I can give the topic starter is to relax, don't make lists of demands and goals you want to reach, but relax and enjoy the ride. That and: secrets do not have to be a bad thing at all, especially when it comes to socially less accepted subjects such as Fat Admiration, but to many secrets can twist and tie up you're mind. For me, I keep my gaining fantasies a secret, but I did accept I am 'the guy that likes fat chicks', which turned out to be one the most relieving things I ever did ...
13 years

What if you don't want to date a feeder/feedee

Porking Up wrote
I'm hoping that's not the case (though I presume it is) because I still think I'd end up rejecting someone I really like AND find attractive who just doesn't share my fetishes. Unfortunately, the fetishes are the ONLY thing that turns me on...I have no "erectile dysfunction" program, but I've never even come close to coming from sex before. This I can deal with, but I worry that most girls will not.

Quit stealing thoughts from my brain! :O
13 years

What if you don't want to date a feeder/feedee

Adipose wrote
Porking Up wrote: What's interesting is that while I am only turned on by chubby girls, I would be able to get off dating a skinny girl if she loved me fat.


I can't help thinking "Why do you have to have this stupid fetish? Why can't you just get off from normal sex like most others?" It's not even that I think this is a sick or perverted fetish, but rather an inconvenient one.

And this.

These struck a chord with me. Concerning the second quote, this can most certainly be an inconvenient fetish. As a girl, the idea of telling any normal guy that I might at some point in the future decide I want to gain weight will most likely not go over well. It's true that you can roleplay to an extent, occasional feedings or dirty talk. My last boyfriend went along with that for me, since I always performed about 100 times better in bed when he did. But in the long run, he didn't gain much weight over the course of the relationship (which I could live with) and I felt extremely self-conscious about every pound I put on, because he'd made it quite clear he wasn't attracted to larger girls.

When probing the question once, I asked him if, on our first date, would he have still pursued a relationship if I'd shown up and been 220 pounds instead of 120. He said he would have been cordial and friendly, but that he would not have been attracted to me and most likely would not have pursued the relationship further. It broke my heart to hear that.

Which leads me into the first quote: When I first joined Fantasy Feeder, I had no interest in gaining. For me, weight is tied in some way to sexual powerplay. I fantasized about being the svelte, caring partner, providing for and teasing my large, lazy man. The idea of being big myself scared me, because I felt if I gained weight I'd be considered unattractive and my boyfriend would leave me.

I started to realize I was repressing a part of myself. One day, my boyfriend was playing the game "Fat Princess", and (in the company of our friends, no less) pulled me to his chest, snuggled me, and said in a baby voice "Are you my little fat princess? Yes you are!" Rather than being offended, I found myself incredibly turned on, and had a huge smile on my face for quite a while afterwards that I simply couldn't wipe off.

I couldn't tell him... I was afraid it would gross him out. FInally, near the end of our relationship, I asked him to call me his little fat princess again. He'd been roleplaying being fat for me, but until that point he had no idea that I fantasized about myself being fat. Surprisingly, he went along with it without a second thought, and it was one of the most satisfying experiences I've had thus far.

To me, being fat would put me in the most vulnerable of positions. Since not many guys like chunky girls, I could only feel comfortable gaining with a partner I was sure would not leave me over it. I loved the feeling of being lightly teased and humiliated, and yet still loved. As much as I like big guys, I think I could settle for a moderately chubby guy if he was the right one for me, AND could love me no matter my size. I want fat to be a part of my relationships in some way, either on me or on him, (otherwise I'll be spending a lot of lonely nights with my hand lol) but I feel like I've repressed my desire to be fatter and simply passed it off to be on my partner instead, because I'm afraid to gain myself.

To gain weight would be the ultimate relinquishing of power, it would be making myself 'unattractive' to society's standards, and I would be completely reliant on my man to love me in spite of it. I think I'm a bit of a sexual submissive. That's not to say I don't find fat attractive in it's own right, I do, but I'm also hyperaware of how it is viewed by others.

Zomg, now I have two people in this thread vocalising my inner thoughts and struggles! :O
13 years

What if you don't want to date a feeder/feedee

I'm in this dilemma currently. I met a girl about 7 weeks ago and I felt an instant attraction to her. We get along so well, click just perfectly and I really do like her. The thing is she's quite slim, and is really into keeping super fit, slim and toned. Obviously, being a guy who likes bigger women, this is frustrating because on every other level she is perfect.

As I said, we have an amazing connection and if being with her means being with a slim woman, than so be it, but then I think can I really do this when deep down and sexually I want someone bigger.

13 years

What if you don't want to date a feeder/feedee

Porking Up wrote
aussie - I'm wondering how things are going with that slim girl. I admit to still being unsure...I don't know if it's the fact that sex is super-important to everyone else (when asked if you can date someone you find attractive yet doesn't turn you on, most people's response was "What's the point?"smiley and not so much to me or if I'm just this weird anomaly of a guy who can find someone totally gorgeous yet never think about masturbating to them.

Things are going well. We have a perfect relationship in every other way, and while she's slim, she still has curves and a bottom heavy shape, so I find that fantasising about her being bigger is generally enough to get me hard, although there is a definite difference as to how long I can sustain the erection compared to when I have been with big women.
13 years

What if you don't want to date a feeder/feedee

I can't speak for most girls, but if you were right for me in every other way and couldn't come I would accept that.
Especially if you were satisfying me smiley

I think you'd have to admit why though, or it might cause suspicion. The suspicion would be worse than the truth.

Having said that, everyone thinks I'm weird, so maybe you shouldn't listen to me smiley
13 years

What if you don't want to date a feeder/feedee

I've always been capable of having sex with women who aren't feedees and aren't gaining, so it's never been a dealbreaker for me.

Actually, when I started dating I didn't even know feedees existed, so I certainly didn't restrict myself to them.
13 years