
Feeling so sexy

The fatter I get the sexier I feel. My body is so curvey. As I get bigger it gets softer. Rolls on my back. Rolls on my belly. Boobs so big. Arms that wobble when I hold them out. Love handles to grab on to. I love getting fatter. I love when I am out people look at me. It makes me feel amazing.
13 years

Feeling so sexy

I gotta agree 100% despite all my self doubt, the one thing I have gotten out of gaining is a new appreciation and love for my own body.

Previously it was never something I never paid attention to, I was just "meh" about it, being bigger has awakened a sexual satisfaction in my body I never thought possible. I love the feel, I love the look, I just love it lol, I used to think people who loved their bodies were mad. Now I know how awesome it feels. smiley

Obviously its not a deal breaker in getting me to continue gaining, but I can never regret what i've done purely for this insight I have acheieved. smiley
13 years

Feeling so sexy

I have no self doubt. This is the person that I was born to be. A beautiful, very fat woman. I love looking at myself in the mirror. I love seeing my body grow. With every bite I put in my mouth I know that it is going to take me closer to my goal of being a SSSBBW. I can't wait until I walk and all my fat jiggles. I love when my Feeder inspects me and tells me that I have gotten bigger.

Sometimes i get frustrated when I am not gaining as fast as I want. That's when I have to focus and eat more. I love eating. I love being fat and getting fatter. I love that my Feeder loves me fat and wants me to get so big I can hardly move. It is comforting to finally know that I can be who I was meant to be.

Everytime a bite of food goes in my mouth it is almost a sexual experience. My whole body gets excited. I am getting fatter. I feel so sexy
13 years