
Relgious f.a's?

abeamt wrote
Well, I said all that in I think my second post.smiley

lol sorry, hard to find relevant information among these walls of boring text. smiley
13 years

Relgious f.a's?

I believe in God. I believe Jesus died for my sins. And being human is falling short to the Glory of God. I accept that. People can write shit all night long about how "wrong" I am. The truth is, people who don't believe in a higher power are threatened by thoese who do.....well I shouldn't say that. That's not fair to say. However, it seems that people who lack faith are the first ones to be offended by thoes who do.

Youre experieces may differ than mine, but that has been the observation in my life. If you don't have faith, more power to ya (but I will pray for you...and you won't even know it).
13 years

Relgious f.a's?

I believe the Sun is our God.
The Sun gives life to our Earth.
And the Sun can take that life away.
So it is understandable that through the ages the Sun has always been worshipped by many civilisations.
11 years

Relgious f.a's?

Christian here smiley
11 years

Relgious f.a's?

I wanted to be an atheist since I remember myself. I never got the idea of praying. What is that anyway? If you're at your senses and have planned your way, you rarely get scared enough to pray. I'm not saying you're scared when you pray. I'm saying, if you're not scared, then why pray? I want to have my own choices.

All in all, I've seen religious people who are big. Religion doesn't really matter for being an FA. The only thing I don't like about religion is wrong interpretation or a sense of higher ground for the priests. They feel like telling you what to do or what's right or wrong!
11 years

Relgious f.a's?

Actually Jesus himself was a glutton, or at least accused of being one.

Matthew 11:19
The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children.

Luke 7:34
The Son of man is come eating and drinking; and ye say, Behold a gluttonous man, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners!
10 years
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