
Prefered weight

I'm now in 175 lbs and it will nice to get between 250 and 300 lbs someday, but at least 220.
14 years

Prefered weight

Let's see, I'm around 185 pounds now, I'd like to weight around 250-300: nice and fat all over. But with the right encouragement, maybe some more, maybe a lot more, who knows ...

I like girls anywhere from chubby, to really big. I guess ~200 pounds and up.
14 years

Prefered weight

For me, In a perfect world *no health risks, junk food for free, etc, etc* I wouldn't mind gaining to 800lbs or more *eyes go all misty...snaps out of it*

But in reality I think I'm probably as fat as I'm going to get right now. I was diagnosed with type II diabetes in July and have already lost a significant amount of weight since then, *read this nearly 90lbs*.

But I can still dream smiley
14 years

Prefered weight

My goal weight: 500lbs
13 years

Prefered weight

I am now officionally the fattest I've ever been! I weighed 185 about a year ago, but lost some. Yesterday I weighed in at 188 lbs or 85 kg. 200 here I come smiley
13 years

Prefered weight

165-180 lbs
13 years

Prefered weight

hmmm..i still try to figure that out somehow someday ;-)

but about 220 guess about 105kg perhaps ^^
13 years

Prefered weight

Ziouptpouf wrote
Most gainers don't have a prefered weight, they want to be bigger and fatter even when they achieve their first goal...

I disagree, having gained myself, I'd never head into immobility territory, i've always liked 300lbs as my limit.

Point is, like all fetishes, its pretty personal, so there is no real point in generalising.
13 years

Prefered weight

CuriousJane wrote
Still trying to figure that out!

lol second that but 10kg gain for a start i would be very eager to see on me ^^
13 years

Prefered weight

For myself - I'm actually looking to slim down a bit, but at my heaviest I was 255 in May 2010 (currently 237). For my girl, she's currently 150 (heaviest 170) and I'd love to see her hit 230
13 years
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