
Grossest movie you've ever seen

There are a few scenes in the Poltergiest, pretty sure it was that anyway, that just made me feel like I was going to throw-up. Such as the peeling off of the guys face.
13 years

Grossest movie you've ever seen

I really didnt like, nor finish watching, Hostel. My girlfriend at the time, who had a better sense of humor about such goreporn, liked it.
13 years

Grossest movie you've ever seen

13 years

Grossest movie you've ever seen

pink flamingos...

spoiler alert: some crazy women eats dog shit to win the competition for being the meanest women or something.


I can't decide between the two
13 years

Grossest movie you've ever seen

Marshmellow wrote
IDK what it was called. I think it was japanese and about a hospital that was run badly and had little staff that had a patient that was liquifying and everyone was going crazy...T-T IT SCAWS ME

Infection, I think it was. I actually found that a bit underwhelming, although definitely pretty gross and a bit creepy. Favorite creepy bit was the guy who kept having to practice doing sutures and worked at it all night on dummy flesh, carving it open and stitching it up, only to wake up and discover that the last sample he'd done was on his supervisor.
13 years

Grossest movie you've ever seen

The goriest film of all time has got to be Dead-Alive. It was made nearly 20 years ago, but no film has yet to come close. It has more blood and guts than Saw and Hostel combined. In fact, it's so over the top with the gore effects that it's impossible to take seriously, and it ends up becoming a comedy. Maybe that's why nobody has mentioned it yet, because it's so ludicrous that it's no longer gross.

As far as a film that had an effect on me, it takes a lot for something to actually gross me out these days (thanks, internet). I would say that one of the only films I've seen in my adult life that has made me feel ill is Deadgirl. Here's the basic plot. (WARNING to the sensitive, it's pretty sick) Two guys in high school go hang out in an abandoned mental hospital. They end up getting lost in the basement and find a storage room where there is a lone female zombie chained to a bed and left in the corner. Instead of getting the hell out of there, they decide to use her as their personal sex slave for the next few weeks. When one of them gets obsessed with it and invites all of his friends down there, you know that the only way that this can end is very badly. Like the human centipede, it's not too graphic, but it's the concept that's gross. Does it count as rape or necrophilia? That's a question I never thought I'd have to ponder before.
13 years

Grossest movie you've ever seen

Akira was pretty crazy for an animated film.

And "The Hills Have Eyes" was a pretty gross movie, didn't really weird me out but it might weird some people out. Also I lolled at the ending of it
13 years

Grossest movie you've ever seen

I'd vote for Itchi the Killer, just for the torture scene involving a naked man, several fishing hooks and boiling oil. Truly disturbing.
13 years

Grossest movie you've ever seen

Lilo wrote:
Has anybody seen "120 Days of Sodom" (Salò) this is the nastiest, grossest movie I have ever watched

2nd place: Ichi the Killer

3rd place: Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer

You're like the only other person I know who has actually seen that movie
10 years

Grossest movie you've ever seen

a serbian film, salo, ichi the killer etc. are all gory movies but omg the worst movie for me ever is dirty sanchez ! they drink liposuction and the first time i saw it i threw up everywhere lol so disgusting
10 years
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