
Film "feed" - who have seen it?

lol I think we need a sticky that says, "DO NOT MENTION THE MOVIE FEED!!!"
14 years

Film "feed" - who have seen it?

Aleph0 wroteI can only imagine how many people must have "discovered" feederism from that horrid movie, googled for it and found out that it "really exists, yuck!" -- and how few of them would care to look closer and see that the real thing hardly has anything in common with the movie.

In a way it's like making a movie where Jews drink Christians babies' blood, and then saying "No offense, it's just fiction you know".
The problem is, feederism lacks the established standing in the society at large, and the resources to rebuff such harmful insinuations.

Precisely. You can see a few such comments here on this video that came up recently:


3 months ago
Go watch the movie "FEED" and tell me this is a cute little fetish lol
Ive heard of this years ago and then I watched that movie and I was disgusted by it LOL
Go watch FEED or watch the trailer or something, disgusting LOL Almost as bad as human centipede.

2 months ago
Anyone out there seen the movie "Feed Me!". If you have you should know why i am completely freak-outed about Feederism. I you havent dont watch it EVER!!!

3 months ago
there is a movie called "Feed" about this fetish
I got it from blockbuster once
saw a documentary about this fetish years ago
this is some sick stuff

3 months ago
Jesus Christ TyT, do some basic research! First of all feeding has been around for years. Second of all this is about as funny as a HEART ATTACK! Because that is what these "relationships" end in.
Don't get me wrong, I like big women, thats my fetish if you want. But there is diffrence between liking big women for who they are, and manipulating them to eat themselves to death!
See the movie "Feed" and you will see how funny this fetish can be.


3 months ago
Harmles... watch the movie "Feed"
13 years