
Video suggestions

People often ask for suggestions about what to do in their vids. Here are my suggestions after watching lots and lots of vids on FF.
1) Talk. Talk about how fat youve become, what you ate, how much fatter you want to get, how shocked you are youve gotten so fat, whatever. Making a vid showing off your fatness should be fun, sensual and seductive. Traci Anderson did a good of this.

2) Turn off the TV or lousy music, unless it is part of the scene you are trying to project. It's annoying and doesnt help if you are trying to show the sensuality of fatness.

3) If you are eating, talk about it.

4) It's always nice to see a face with the vids, but I understand most people are a shy or concerned about privacy.

Just a few thoughts.
13 years

Video suggestions

I'm intrigued when I see something out of the norm--all the moreso since I started modding the video section, but many people watch all of them, I assume, even though I didn't until it became my assignment.

Something creative, something different. That's a big plus, I think.

Also, this might just be me, but there's something about a lot of fast motion, like the jiggling ones, that seems anti-sensual to me. I guess I think sensual is slow and takes time.

In general, I want to see people touching themselves the way I want a lover to touch me--does that make any sense to anyone else?
13 years