
My gf lost 35 pounds...

Break up. I can't see a successfuly relationship lasting without physical attraction, and if either of you try to change the others mind its just going to create more pain.
13 years

My gf lost 35 pounds...

I am not going to be a cheery voice, so if you're looking for encouraging feedback, skip this.

I've been married to the same fabulous, wonderful guy for almost 25 years. We share an amazing young adult daughter, and we are totally connected to each other's work and lives. But we live apart. And one of the main reasons is that we couldn't make the sex work.

I was just very honest. I told him I love him utterly, but I need to know what sex with someone who shares my desires is like. I don't know how the story ends, and it isn't the only problem between us, though it is probably the biggest one that remains.

The long and the short of it is, maaaaaaany people think they can make sexless relationships last, but it is a recipe for disaster, in my opinion. Of course you shouldn't do anything hasty, but don't bank on it being ok for either of you over the long haul, either, unless something changes.
13 years

My gf lost 35 pounds...

Know how you feel Wish. My GF has lost 65 lbs so far, from 240, and may lose more, and she's very short so the 240 was looking pretty good. She's a stunningly beautiful woman anyway, but since the loss I've felt the same way other do about primal sexual attraction She still has chub but at 240 the rolls were just great. She decided to lose weight, hit the gym and join WW because she had slightly elevated blood sugar. Her mom died from complications of Type 1 diabetes so there's not much I can really say to plead my case LOL. She knows my preference but was never into the feeding/gaining thing. She merely liked to eat and never minded her weight. And with me being a food critic, she gained a bit accompanying me on my reviews. Luckily, she still likes to eat.
13 years

My gf lost 35 pounds...

Silver Fox wrote
I'm afraid the prognosis is not very good. At least from my point of view. I am married to a woman whom I thought was destined to be a BBW for the rest of her life. Only problem was, she didn't like being fat. And so a little over a year ago her parents gave her $10,000.00 to get WLS. She went from 225 to 140. At her peak she really needed size 24 jeans though she never bought any. Now she needs size 8! I do still love her very much, but I am not attracted to her sexually at all. Sex has become very unsatisfying. She also looks 10 to 15 years older since she lost all that weight. I am still undecided as to where this will end up. We are coming up on out tenth anniversary, but had started dating over 15 years ago. It is hard to conceive of not being with her, but it is also hard to conceive of never making love to a BBW again for the rest of my life.

As for you, WishFA, your situation may not be so bad. If you don't think your GF could ever possibly have WLS, then chances are very good that she will regain the weight she lost, plus some. That's the usual pattern. Doesn't happen 100% of the time, but certainly more often than not. It is even a possibility for my wife that she will gain some of the weight back. She is only 16 months out from her surgery. But she seems pretty determined not to gain it back... we'll see.

I know I'm going to be patient for at least another year. By then she will either gain a little weight back and/or I will just learn to live with her the way she is. We don't have any children together so that is not an issue. But I am 56 years old and the prospect of being single is not something I really look forward to.

Anyway, bottom line for you is to be patient for a while. Don't get married. Don't pressure her to gain. Wait and see where it goes.
Silver man I feel soo sorry for you. WLS can have some horrific side effects (I'd rather not mention them here). I can't imagine why anyone would ever subject themselves to that kind of procedure. Why do women always do this? They know, they figure out what it is that their partners find attractive yet they knowingly attempt to lose weight, become thin. It would seem counter-intuitive, illogical don't you think? Anyways I hope your situation rectifies itself.
13 years

My gf lost 35 pounds...

Give her mayo sandwiches with a side of crisco.
13 years

My gf lost 35 pounds...

chubbyhoney wrote
I am horrified at the suggestions after the original post that Wish should break up with a person he loves because she is ten pounds lighter than when they met.

lol, that wasn't the reason I said it, it was cause he said he no longer finds her attractive.

But yeah, i'm by no means one to listen to about relationship advice, just given what i've seen on this site and the men struggling with their losing partners, I figured it was best to cut to the chase and give the advice he'll probably get anyway if she keeps losing and he keeps wanting her to gain.

Still, good to see more experienced people have given better advice since then. I guess i'll hold my tongue on this stuff in future. smiley
13 years