
Feisty one, aren't you?

How much do you weigh?
13 years

Warning: high dose of sarcasm

chubbyhoney wrote
Please can we make it mandatory for new members to read this before they can start using the site please? smiley

lilwitchygrl wrote
THANK YOU so much for posting this and I agree it should a mandatory read for all new members, especially if you are coming into chat

I bow at your feet lol

This would be very, very awesome. smiley Once again, if points could be given on this site, you'd get some for yet another awesome post.
13 years

Warning: high dose of sarcasm

Augmentor wrote
If the theme of this website offends you so much please go back to myspace so we dont have to walk on eggshells around people who do nothing but be negative about it.

It's not about walking on eggshells around people, it's about common decency and courtesy so this doesn't happen:

canadianenglish wrote
a BBW, trying to come to terms with her body image being bombarded by 25 anonymous IM requests for freindship or the constant harrasment of not answering a PM.

A good amount have been driven off the site over treatment like that because they just get absolutely drowned by guys.

Augmentor wrote
This isnt purely a dating site and not everyone is here to find a partner for whatever reason so telling them your sarcastic revised codes of conduct would only serve to put them off taking part in what used to be a fun community. If I join a website and it turns out to be full of nude chubby men asking me to webcam its easy to remedy, not by trying to put them to rights on forum posts but by pressing "delete my profile" lol

It's not strictly a dating site, but that doesn't mean it's a free-for-all. And a woman shouldn't have to feel so harassed by guys that she feels she has to press "delete my profile", that's not remotely fair. They've got a right to enjoy themselves without endless bombardment and harassment. And this community is still a fun and friendly one, IMO, and if a guy can't voluntarily take part in it without some degree of civility and courtesy, well... smiley

canadianenglish wrote
You're right, this site isn't strictly a dating site, but some people treat it like throwing out time at the nightclub and that is more harmful than suggesting a correct way people can conduct themselves whether just looking for freinds or looking for something else.
Maybe you are not bothered by some of the situations you listed above, but the majority of people who come on here with good intentions are!

13 years

Warning: high dose of sarcasm

Ugh. I'm with Weesha--I hate those names. They make me feel like an item in the supermarket. Think of something about *you*, not something you share with everyone else here!
13 years

Warning: high dose of sarcasm

juicy wrote
Ugh. I'm with Weesha--I hate those names. They make me feel like an item in the supermarket. Think of something about *you*, not something you share with everyone else here!

LOL I have more of a problem with the names which have words like "Beautiful", "Hot", "Dreamy", "Handsome", so on in them...especially when it's false advertizing *shifty eyes*
13 years

Warning: high dose of sarcasm

Thank you Weesha,I SO loved your have a great,dry and sarcastic sense of humour..what you wrote was so true and yet so funnysmiley
I hope a few men on here sit up and take note...though I suspect most of us are too dense to appreciate what you wrote.smiley
13 years