
Rolls or pot bellies?

i like a nice round belly more than rolls. (not to say i wouldn't kill for either).
14 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

mhh, pot bellies a little bit more than rolls...smiley
14 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

Soft and flabby potbelly! I love the 'wide load' type of figure, with big hips, lovehandles and a round belly.
13 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

Siren wrote
I used to be all rolls, but as I get bigger, I'm noticing that my belly is rounding out a lot.

I like your pot belly, and maybe your belly will be getting in soft rolls when you are gaining more? -smiley
<3 Henk
13 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

Pot Bellies!!! XD
13 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

I got to go with pot bellies. They looks so much more smoother than rolls.
13 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

I've gotta say - big round belly smiley
13 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

Definitely big round pot bellies. Smooth and firm. Mmmm.
13 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

A stack of massive, pendulous, sloshing rolls, especially with a deep vertical split up to the bellybutton.
13 years

Rolls or pot bellies?

A round, bulging belly for me. I just love protruding bellies, tummies etc. The further they stick out the better!

Ned Fox
13 years
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