
Is it ethical for me to be an fa?

Is it ethical for me to be an FA?/Is it wrong of me to feel attracted to fat women?

Heavens no! smiley Just look at all the women here that are happy with their fat! I know you got burnt, and it can leave quite a mark on you, but don't let the opinion of one woman that was unhappy with her body put you off being an FA- listen to the ladies here instead. smiley

Do I have to tell them that I am a fat admirer or can I just lie and write off my relationships with fat women as due to the "blindness of love?" How do I move forward and make this work?

Do as you want, though I would suggest honesty. Some women will respond positively, some negatively. That's how life is. But for the opposite end of the spectrum that you haven't experienced, I would suggest listening to all the women here that are very happy being fat and having guys attracted to them.
13 years

Is it ethical for me to be an fa?

I think the real question should be are the ethics concerning 'liking fat on women' of today correct? People in general think of fat as a bad thing, a weakness. 'predator' comes to mind when some one preys on the weak. I guess she felt weak and thought you where taking advantage of her insecurities. Maybe it's to hard for her to face right now. There is a chance she'll never come round though.
13 years

Is it ethical for me to be an fa?

MollyRen wrote
therapyballer wrote
i don't think it is, i have heard it based on a saddist view point of finding pleasure in the opposite sex losing restraint and control to as their body is damaged;

I think you mean "sadist", right?
13 years

Is it ethical for me to be an fa?

MollyRen wrote
Moonchild wrote

Behaving morally toward fat women is the same as behaving morally toward all women (actually, all people, for that matter). Be open and honest about your preferences. Don't push your preferences on anyone. Never see anyone as more object than subject. Consider their health and safety (I reiterate that this is not merely for fat people, but for all people).

More applausesmiley
13 years