
Hiding your gaining belly

What is the sense of gaining, if you don't want anyone to know, and you are uncomfortable. Either poop, or get off of the pot. If you gain, flaunt it. Otherwise stop gaining.
13 years

Hiding your gaining belly

I don't actually believe it's *possible* to fit a size 46 waist into size 36 trousers/jeans.
13 years

Hiding your gaining belly

abe-am wrote
Wesley, I don't know if you just did that on purpose, but it's hilarious either way.

Agreed, but it messes up the perfect forum. smiley
13 years

Hiding your gaining belly

IWantToBeFat1 wrote:
Over the past year I've gained 26 pounds making me 259 pounds. Overall I've gained approximately 83 pounds. People are starting to notice. I live at home and I'm afraid of buying bigger clothes because comments will be made. So I wear 36" jeans and I'm really size 46", uncomfortable as you can imagine. Any advice? smiley

I understand your situation because I live in a similar one. I would say try moving out or something so that they dont see you as often or just buy bigger clothing. I'm dorming at my college so thats how Ive been getting away with it I'm nearly 260 now. Also don't give this up if your happy.
13 years