
How do you spot a fa?

chubbyhoney wrote
AskDrFeeder wrote
How do you spot a FA?

If you have a nice-sized belly, put on a too-small t-shirt. Make sure the shirt is small enough so that it exposes a bit of your belly. Go out in public. From time to time, "absent-mindedly" pull down the shirt to cover up your belly. Of course the shirt will immediately ride up as soon as you let go. The FAs will be the ones gaping at your belly.

And how do you distinguish the FAs from all the other people who will also be gaping at your belly?

Just spit-balling here. I haven't worked out all the kinks yet... smiley
13 years

How do you spot a fa?

Babybelly wrote
I greatly dislike the term size acceptance. It implies one is aware that there is something not right with their appearance but they accept it as part of who they are. Wheres the size celebration movement? What about embracing and loving who you are and what you look like, no matter the size or if you are actively growing or shrinking. I can't comprehend why people can't just give a little more self love.

I love "size celebration" but face it, some people can't get there. But they might be able to get to "size acceptance" and if they make it, more power to them!
13 years
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