
Err, could i get some tips? =p

As little embarassment as possible...hrmm
Ask little kids how fat they think you are and measure how mean they are.
13 years

Err, could i get some tips? =p

chubbyhoney wrote
Might be the obvious thing to say - but maybe buy a new set of scales? I've weighed myself on a machine in the public loos at a shopping centre a few times when it was quiet. As long as it isn't a speaking scale or has a big flashing display on it doesn't bother me! They also give you a little paper printout of your weight, BMI and body fast percentage. The scales at my doctor's surgery go up to 420lbs too so I ask to use them if I am ever there.

The scales set up in the shops or in the mall are pretty good if you don't have a scale at home. However, I found out personally that they become rather inaccurate after the person in question grows beyond about 450lbs.

Basically for the longest time the scale that I would use in the mall to track my progress when I was a senior in HS was telling me that I was 493lbs or so *not always that number but always close*, and it consistently gave me that number for almost a year even though I was still outgrowing clothes. But then one day I went to a dietitian *not voluntarily mind you* and her scale could read up to 550lbs, and according to that one I was about 530lbs so...yea lol
13 years