
What is your weight gain goal or size goal

Nomoreskinnygirl wrote
I started at 111 and wanted to get to 130. A week ago I was 132 (oops!) and I've been scared to get back on the scale. LOL. I guess my new goal is not to go over 135. I just hope I haven't done it already... ;-)

I.m going to guess 136!smiley That would make your goal then-140? You look terrific and you said your.husband is wild about your new curves too! I hope you will go on as long as you both like it smiley
13 years

What is your weight gain goal or size goal

I agree with Pleasegainmore. Even though I'm predominately a feeder-encourager-pamperer, there really isn't thing as arousing and seductive as letting go with someone and mutually gaining. There's something terribly erotic about mutual gluttony, encouraging, feeding, teasing and going down that wide, gluttonous road together.
13 years

What is your weight gain goal or size goal

He is definitely tryin to tell you something! Breakfast twice?... Unless he has a very short term memory. Anyone who tries to feed you pizza and cheesecake all in the same night is asking for some extra pudge to play with!
13 years

What is your weight gain goal or size goal

well im over 250 now, my first goal is 300. my long term goal over 600, immobility is an option. looking for a feeder or mutual gainer.
13 years