
Anyone ever been a headless fat person...

...waddling down the street in a TV news story about "how fat America is getting" or something like that? I'd think the average non-FF person would be offended to be recognized in this manner, but it might be kind of a badge of honor for an FF person.
13 years

Anyone ever been a headless fat person...

My wife was, and she was really upset. She was filmed for a positive NAAFA story. Months later, the station needed footage for how fat people would die early. Legally, you sign a release and they can use the footage for whatever they want. The station edited her out after she complained.
13 years

Anyone ever been a headless fat person...

johnxyz wrote
Legally, you sign a release and they can use the footage for whatever they want.

Ah, so thats how it works, I always figured they went out and filmed strangers on the sly lol. I cant see many people agreeing to have there bottom half filmed for fat news. :\
13 years

Anyone ever been a headless fat person...

Oh, so they do have to get permission...I always thought it was kind of weirdly stalkerish for someone with a camera to be trolling the streets for fat people. Was just wondering because these things have been so done to death that the "headless fat belly" and "headless fat rear end" have become TV cliches.
13 years