
Am i unconfident gainer or a confused feeder?

Sounds like you just have an overall feederism/fat fetish.

Its tough to accept, but theres not really any other option, just try to enjoy it, and i'm sure being around here well make that all the more easier. smiley
13 years

Am i unconfident gainer or a confused feeder?

I agree with Maximum. So, why not explore your various desires through fantasy and fiction? Give yourself full permission to let your fantasies go everywhere, and even try to push them one way or another and see how they work for you. Also read stories here, and try writing your own stories (even if you never post them). As you work with the ideas and feelings more, you'll come to know them better :-)
13 years

Am i unconfident gainer or a confused feeder?

Bakuryu wrote
So I'm not a gainer? I tried recently to just focus on me gaining wait in a fantasie and I liked it. I can't picture myself skinny. I have read the stories on here ive been focusing on bhm male x male some had mutual gaining which I really liked. I keep telling myself I want to get fatter and no other part of me disagrees it seems. I'm just worried what other people (mainly my friends) will think if I get reakly fat on top ofhaving a fat boy friend if that ever happens. I also am worried about health my family has a history of high blood pressure and heart attacks. And last but not least I have scholiosis.

Sounds to me like you're a full on mutual gainer/feedee. Just from what you've posted it looks like, to me, that your fantasies center around yourself growing as much as they do another person.

Though I don't know exactly what you're going throughso I can't say anything right out *and I'm not a therapist either* this is all for you to discover on your own. No one can tell you what you are but yourself.
13 years

Am i unconfident gainer or a confused feeder?

You're in the right forum, don't worry. And if you don't know why you aren't gaining weight I'd suggest you keep a log of your intake, just write down a rough estimate of everything you eat and if you aren't sure how many calories are in something then take a guess, but make sure you underestimate.

This way you'll know whether you're meeting your goal or not.
13 years