
Are you still attracted to thin girl?

Before we make a blood bath of the poorman's inquiry, how about a reality check? When he says "decently skinny" I'm reading that as average to average with a little chub to them; thin is pretty clear-obviously, and so is Fat. Now I can sort of see the point IB061988 is trying to ask about, that being do any male or female FA's and the like find people beyond their norm's attractive still, not just in the fantasy sense of being fed by or feeding them or as gainer converts but genuinely hot. It's certainly not the chauvanistic or femanistic or anyother perogative centric a question to pose as it strikes along the lines of this site's founding: sexual attraction TO fat. How does it do this? Simple; it asks if you swing on the thick and thin side of the force. As a forum is supposed to be a place of civil-however brunt your choice of phrasing, how's about we try and keep that in mind to avoid trading insults instead of oponions, shall we?
Now, in response to the question posted, yes, I've for reason of physique or personality been drawn to non-fat, plump, curvacious, or even boarderline curvy women. Even if eventual involvment romantically would likely end in their figures being thus, the initial root of said attraction would be as they were not as they become. It's like --Dan-- said; I dream of flowing red locks, deep green or vivid blue eyes, and a gorgeous pear-shape; if someone else who reshapes the bill to her comes along long or short term, why knock an opportunity?
And to avoid the onslaught to be made of that comment, I'm not talking strictly sex.
13 years

Are you still attracted to thin girl?

Joey wrote
What the hell does chauvinistic mean? Sorry im from the westcountry smiley

Don't apologize for a lack of grammerian knowhow; Chauvanism is the mindset that men are naturally supirior and a woman's place is at his boot heel, pregnant, or in the kitchen when he doesn't want her for sex.
I think it's as misguided as femenism in the end; one places men on the golden pedastel while the other does the same to women when nature equiped each of us to different bits respectively and others close to equally, no more, no less.
Also, pleased as punch to see that we don't have anymore shots acrossed the bow or profanities. Civility reigning for the day is a good thing; though I do second the point made by Sethman about phrasing though.
13 years

Are you still attracted to thin girl?

A similar thread which seems to be better worded, i'm locking this one to prevent further embarssment/conflict. smiley
13 years