
Marriage proposals..

My ring size is just under 18 and that's also my shoe size *though I could wear a 17 probably* so...I guess it applies to at least one man lol
13 years

Marriage proposals..

PinkyDear wrote
OniGumo wrote
My ring size is just under 18 and that's also my shoe size *though I could wear a 17 probably* so...I guess it applies to at least one man lol

I've never heard of a ring size that big. That is really sexy.

lol it's cause my fingers are so fat
13 years

Marriage proposals..

Wait, this thread is about the concept of getting married! How has it got hijacked into something as incidental as the ring? (Ok, I agree the ring is important, but... we're talking about the rest of your life here!!).

Focus people. Should this lovely girl be getting married at 18, and should she be the one to get down on bended knee?

You're so young and you have the whole of your adulthood ahead of you. Is there a pressing need to get married right away? I'm by far not the best person to be giving marital advice, but you don't mention if you've discussed the possibilty together. Does he see his life panning out in the same way that you do? Does he see himself growing old with you?

You say you asked him out in the first place. Wouldn't it be good to know that he didn't just go along with that, capitulate and take the easy route? Wouldn't you feel more secure later knowing that he had demonstrated that he actively wanted to make his future with you?

The only advice that I genuinely feel I'm qualified to give is: don't marry a man who can't be arsed to ask you himself.

Having said that, if you do decide to ask him, I REALLY hope it goes well and you two end up happy for the rest of your lives!

Good luck!


PS. don't listen to me. I'm old and unmarried... not that I'd have it any other way smiley
13 years

Marriage proposals..

If you want him to propose to you, I would suggest waiting a few years. I don't know how long you've been together, but at 18, you both are still very young.

Or are you guys saving yourselves for marriage?
13 years

Marriage proposals..

I agree with all the anit-marriage advice lol. Not because of your age, but because I personally believe marriage is a significant decision that both people need to know they will be able to commit completely to, lest they become just another divorce statistic.

If you want to marry this guy, you have to be certain that you will do anything and sacrifice everything to make it work. It will not be some romantic fantasy of undying love for the rest of your life, it will be a hard slog full of arguments, disagreements, anger, confusion and misunderstandings. Love is just the spark that gets it started, everything else is old fashioned hard work.

If you can confidently say you understand and embrace this idea, along with your bf also feeling the same, by all means, go for it and have fun, just don't divorce at the first sign of trouble as some people seem to do these days.

I hope it works out for you. smiley
13 years