
The dating part

Your point has some merit as it would be an impossible task to ask that the admin's and moderators patrol for fake dating profiles and other similar issues; a system to do it being integrated or implimented would also mean effort and costs that would likely force higher fees and fewer free services from FF. As the losses would likely include free dating, the loss of it to security would be the exact same result really.
As I don't use it and people could likely still message-thus letting them set-up with or without, the proposal has merit in my book. Who else agrees?
13 years

The dating part

Can I ask what proof you have that they are fake?

I understand where you are coming from, but its not something that I can see being easily enforced. I know i've come across profiles that don't sound real, but what should we do as mods? Ask them to prove they are as fat/short/tall/into stuff as they say they are?

I'm of course speaking about the Dating Profile only, as pictures and videos can be proven to be fake when they are either clearly morphed (which isn't so bad, as long as they aren't trying to pass it off as not morphed) or they clearly belong to someone else. These things we can and do moderate and try our best to ensure they don't taint the great variety of real pics and vids.

Also, as was said, there is a Dating Package for those looking for a more serious dating experience on the site.
13 years

The dating part

Okay, no one's still shot down my second point, that being, that you can message back 'n forth to set-up dates and get to know one another. This is only assuming that other people besides me do it, but the gist you get from the dating deal can be discerned by checking their profile, reading over their blog comments, shout outs, etcetera; longer yes, but it gives a great deal of throughness when you finally decide to make contact I'd certainly argue more knowledge beforehand trumps akward, stupid, or repetetive questions.
And just to keep some form of balance, if people like me and assumingly Japananime can't discern real versus fake as easily as seasoned vets, his origional point isn't really that dense to ask then.
13 years

The dating part

I would be well up for paying a small fee for the dating section. I am not going to beat around the bush here, it is nice to socialize in the forums and the community in general, but the number 1 reason I joined was for the dating section.

Obviously a lot of people probably wouldn't pay for it, but then you would be left with those who actually want to meet someone. There are dozens of free bbw and large singles dating sites, so I kind of felt FF was for people to explore specific fetishes and fantasies. I for one would pay to find someone like minded in that sense.
13 years

The dating part

Victory to the Soviets, or at least a beginning of the revolution. Though CanadianE' may have found someone, I further a point in asking if he was willing to pay to find her? Yes, he said he wouldn't, but really, if you're a BHM, BBW, or FA who's tired of being alone and wants-in an absolutely serious sense, it then you'll pony up. If not, then c'est la ver and they still contribute to the cause on the forums, stories, etcetera etcetera.
And sorry on forgetting the "Fan" bit at the end of "JapananimeFan"; I guess Japananime just is more catchey to me.
13 years

The dating part

For those interested. smiley
13 years

The dating part

shaggyrugby wrote
How about having to post a picture of some sorts proving you are who you say you are, for example a pic of yourself holding a sign with your username on here?

Some people prefer to lurk and we don't want to scare them off with such restrictions.
13 years

The dating part

I don't call it lurking; I'm merely a creature of the shadows who enjoys anonimity both on and off line. Besides, a picture of you holding a sign with your name on it? That's quick hack or googling symplicity plus 3 minutes with marker if your a slow writer.
13 years

The dating part

That's fair-the "fantasy" emphasis and all; throwing the tips out there helps for the less savy who read with interest and the point of cyber-common sense is true enough. In light to this latest round of posts, I think Japananime that your question has found a suitable answer without a major alteration of policy. Though it may still occur in the future for reasons yet unforseen, do you agree?
13 years