
Rail-thin people and other victims of lookism?

ThatGuyWithTheHair wrote
Even though - as I was flamed on Dimensions for saying

You said "I don't give a *** about your body image issues". Your post then went on to basically imply "get over it". Which is what you were rightly flamed for.

Don't try to imply that people on Dims are soooooo mean when you just got called out for being a dick. Which is what the thread title was even asking- "Am I a dick for thinking this?"
13 years

Rail-thin people and other victims of lookism?

I kind of hope not actually; I think there's stil meat to be had on the bones of this discussion. Besides, having had my threads go off in my face as well it only seems dense to not make a point that all forum posters are not of equal skill in explanations of their perspective. No offense TheGuyWithTheHair, just noting it for the sake of argument.
His point is acually one that has been noted before with some debate; that being a rather classic moralistic argument of effectively every lot whose been put down by society on just how right or wrong knocking someone is in the first place. It often further goes onward into the debate of related arguments about whether retaliation would merely be karma against the antagonizers, etcetera etcetera. Personally, in the short term I think a little payback is fair play but that it's all around wrong to speak ill of someone else based on the hand of cards they can't control. Beyond that, if they choose to make themselves suffer, so be it; no need to stick a stuck pig.
13 years

Rail-thin people and other victims of lookism?

Acceptance of self in image and intelect is an agreeably tricky process that everyone takes in different strides regardless of similarities apparent upon observation.
Either way, societal biases are mental conveniences/ crutches people use when they're too lazy to think or don't have the time to reason it out; I chalk it up as one to the graver faults of our fast paced world really. Between school, work, socializing [when possible], romances, and other obligations, all the intel' processing it requires means that especailly with the younger, more easily swayed sets of a populace pick-up on these quick fixes to actually analyzing a sitution critically. Or at least something similar.
13 years

Rail-thin people and other victims of lookism?

I have enjoyed during the course of my natural existance 2 advantages: raw intelligence and creativity. Having been treated as a brain with legs then snubbed more times than I can count thereafter one would argue I should be bitter against those who wronged me based upon what this thread has stated about the victimization of those of size.
The fact is I'm not; however cruel in the short term I've always believed that they would come in time to realize what I learned from them, that being people error when young or foolish but with time grow. While I can both sympathize and empathize with the sad tales to be heard acrossed this site to some extent, it all comes down to how you cope. I could have held a grudge and gotten nasty with any and everyone who whether good or equally ill in their intentions required my assistance; the choice was rewarded time and time agian and most of the idiots have learned from thier past mistakes; some have even openly apologized aside to me.
While some Fatlings develope this hatred of the thin and it is a sad state of being, they chose to be that way; like those who mocked or exploited them, choosing to hate back in turn only spreads the misery.
13 years

Rail-thin people and other victims of lookism?

I think this thread is done people.
13 years