
The fat body (in)visible

I *loved* that video. Don't miss it, y'all. Totally fun and smart and right there politically. And the two women featured in it are gorgeous, not to mention some beautiful examples of adipositivity photos.
13 years

The fat body (in)visible

Its so appalling the way people find themselves treated for not being "normal" smiley

I want to know if Southwest Airlines will give me a discount if I am underweight?

I think I will call them in the morning to let them know what asses they were.

Best Comment! lol
13 years

The fat body (in)visible

CynicalOsprey wrote...the Taj Mahal isn't a natural wonder...

Hee hee. I thought the same thing.
13 years

The fat body (in)visible

What a fantastic find. Margitte Kristjansson deserves a lot of credit for putting this together, along with her blog video's that are also of interest. she's a thought provoking woman who has a great deal of intelligent things to say.
13 years

The fat body (in)visible

Thanks..sadly so true!
13 years