backagainyikes wrote
After a weight gain from continuous over eating a couple months ago, I tried to start controling my eating, but I just cant. I recently started putting on weight again around my midsection. I just CANT stop overeating.
Tonight, I had a whole steak burrito from Chipotle with chips, and then I couple hours later I had dinner with a friend at California Pizza Kitchen. It doesnt help that she eats a lot too so I felt like I didnt have to be shy. I ate a whole dish of creamy pasta AND en entire large white pizza TO MYSELF. We had dessert too!
If I keep eating like this constantly, Im scared all the weight will continue to stay in my tummy. My breasts look too small. I just love eating sooo much. But as of now, all of my pants are WAY too uncomfortable... and Im already hungry again!
Time for stretchies, and maybe a little bigger ones. Don't be uncomfortable!