
Could use some advice

Hi everyone. Just looking for some advice from the community. My fiancée is a foodee and I'm an FA (she doesn't know that). She's 5'4" and was 170 lbs over the summer (not fat, but chubby), and she dropped down to 150 lbs for January (she's currently at Basic Training for the Army Band).
Once she's stationed and I move out there, we agreed that the first weekend would consist of nothing but me stuffing her with everything she was deprived of over the months.
Now she has openly stated that she is a foodee (she gets it from her mother, who is on the big side and loves to cook) and loves to eat. I was wondering how I should take this. I'd love to see her get back to 170, and go further, but I don't want to push her. Any advice would be helpful, and no I'm not going to try and fatten her up if she doesn't want to.

13 years

Could use some advice

Thanks for the advice so far. I do intend to tell her that I'm an FA, but that'll be a private conversation which won't be able to take place for a few months. She's actually in the Army Band, so I'm not sure how physically fit she'd have to be in after training, since she's a non-combat soldier. She seems to like eating in general, and if I can take a guess at how her mother is in the kitchen, I can imagine that once we're on our own, she'll probably be eating more each day to test what she's made. She had shown interest in putting some of the weight back on once she finished with basic, especially since she's stated that she couldn't keep her weight down long since she loves to eat. I guess the real answer is that I'll have to sit down with her and talk it over with her.
13 years

Could use some advice

Thanks. I know that it could hurt her in the long run, but I wouldn't want her to get too big. Even when she was at 170, you would have thought she was 155 at the most. Most of her weight is (was) in her belly and chest.

Thank you all for the advice. Any more would be helpful, and I'll keep everyone posted when I do talk to her, as well as possible updates on if she does decided to gain any weight.
13 years