
My rant on closet fa's

I concur with C'H'; if we don't move on we lose out to the lock. Let's try to avoid that and not compare struggles as personal opinions distort what is otherwise a very straight foreward compare and contrast of injustices, stuggles, etcetera etecetera. Eitherway, its messy and when that gets too hot we've been warned what will happen.
My area is a berg for BBW's but I do know one that I'm close friends with. Since a ban on names has been put forth, I'll just leave it at her as "Red". Anywho, I've known her since the 5th grade and she was moderatley hot in high school-just that supple hint of a voluptuous pear ready to rippen into a very sweet emerald eyed fruit; after dropping out she started on a dating spree of party guys who accompanied by her new found habits began to fill out her figure nicely. After the 3rd or the 4th knocked her up that really got her to a gorgeous spike-right around the 190 mark, and since then she's still hovered at 160 to 170 and as of late nearing the 180 mark.
God I'd pay a pretty penny for her to not just think of me as that guy you hang out with and vent to; I'd wager my minimum wage bi-weekly bribe that amongst all the things she'll tell me "I love you" is either under "highly unlikely" or "when hell has frozen over and thawed again" categories.
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

Sorry for joining the discussion so late. I feel the need to chime in given my life experiences. I am actually in the military, and in our community being physically fit is actually really important, if only for a functional reason barring all other variables. A lot (I'd say the vast majority) of my peers talk about bigger women in a terribly disparaging way, it makes me cringe sometimes. In Marine circles the talk often goes off onto sexuality, who you find attractive, why, how, it gets pretty graphic. I am not necessarily afraid to voice my opinion or likes but as stated by other members it would cause a veritable maelstrom if I or anyone else ever mentioned that we find big women attractive. The verbal abuse would probably never end. I have told some in the past, and it got hectic those days. The worst aren't the ***s that make fun of you, the worst are the ones who argue with you about how in the world you can like fat chicks like it's not logical. Most of these days I don't criticize or give people a hard time about their likes and dislikes and they not about mine. Most of my friends from my old unit know my preferences anyways. I guess the point is that it's difficult to convince others that liking someone of a bigger weight is not only normal but acceptable. My friend Mcneese God bless his soul, good kid but IMO wildly misguided in life about many a thing, this kid would have such a disdain for big girls that he would actually go out of his way to disrupt others from scoring. There was another kid in our unit Price I think his name was, he liked big women, and this kid Mcneese actually went OUT of his way to stop him from getting with this girl he liked (who was big). Later that night he worked his list of social contacts at the club to try an hook him up with a girl that others and him "thought" he would like better, (a slim girl). It is sheer craziness. I haven't been that fortunate. Where I'm stationed there aren't many bigger girls, only Japanese nationals, airmen, Marines, and sailors, all relatively in shape, oh sigh me.
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

JustinNasty wrote
Yeahhhh the real fake meter was people guessing. They never put in the time to check pics and whatnot.

It was like a popularity contest.

Now a DOUCHEBAG METER... thatd be spot on hahaha

You know damn well you and me would be off the charts on that one hahaha
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

you know interestingly enough but I've always been out of the closet so to speak about my preference for larger women. what is there to be scared of "ooh my friends might tease me" well then they're not your friends, heck the most insensitive thing a buddy ever said to me was to refer to me as the ultimate wingman, and I know he was just teasing. "my family might dissaprove" chances are your family will disapprove of anyone you date until the person you date proves themself worthy.
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

The only reason the thread got locked was because people were beating up on Dazed. As long as you don't single out anybody in the future, you can debate the original topic of this thread to your heart's content, and it probably won't get locked again. People probably aren't going to see your post several pages in, so the simplest way to get people to change the subject in the middle of a discussion is just to make a new thread.
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

canadianenglish wrote
Not to be overtly controversial, but I felt the admin was overzealous in the first place. Internet forums are a contact sport, not sure the value of having the thread in the first place if it has to stay strictly on rails.

Topics are certainly not kept strictly on rails, as one will notice around the General forum itself ( <- there's a good example. smiley), but roughly two whole pages discussing the conduct of another member of the site instead of the main topic isn't really appropriate, whether they are good posts, or not good posts. And yes, I am aware that Dazed himself continued talking about it too, as I noted, he is not to continue it either. But that is that, so carry on all.
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

XgorgedNgorgeousX wrote
DorianGray wrote
JustinNasty wrote
Yeahhhh the real fake meter was people guessing. They never put in the time to check pics and whatnot.

It was like a popularity contest.

Now a DOUCHEBAG METER... thatd be spot on hahaha

You know damn well you and me would be off the charts on that one hahaha

what you have in douchey-ness you make up for with your looks.......nah but youre cool as hell I lurve youuuuu

haha <3
I remember when the real/fake meter was on here... Me and Justin had so many haters that spammed the fake button on us.
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

If the only real test that you have to pass is friends or family then I'm screwed. The only girl a hint on the larger side my mom and grandparents met post test date met with something along the lines of moderate to rolling disapproval. Considering my philia has absolutely no obviously feasable root, I'm chocking that one up to irony. Any one else ever find them in a similar boat at one point or another?
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

Kamina wrote
If the only real test that you have to pass is friends or family then I'm screwed. The only girl a hint on the larger side my mom and grandparents met post test date met with something along the lines of moderate to rolling disapproval. Considering my philia has absolutely no obviously feasable root, I'm chocking that one up to irony. Any one else ever find them in a similar boat at one point or another?
All the time! My parents and my grandparents on my Mom's side were all terribly health conscious, (unhealthily so). I can't even begin to think of the number of times my Mom has tried proverbially to hook me up with girls who were on the thinnish side. Not that it's an ultimately determining factor but it's ridiculous how many times; and with so many close friends to the family, and friends from high school, without any fail. They're a prime example of why sometimes you need to take everything your family members tell you with a grain of salt. My Mom means well, but at the same time she struggles with her latest diet, and tries to keep my niece on one as well (she lives with us). I remember my Grandma would always admonish my niece when she was younger not to eat a lot or she would end up fat, but this was when she was 7! When your that young and still growing it is normal for both genders to have an appetite. My Mom still uses the same scare tactics on her today.
13 years

My rant on closet fa's

I used to consider myself a closet FA, until like 6or7 years ago my friends pointed out that they knew what type of girl I liked and who I'd want to flirt with out of a group, and had already been like assuming it for a year or two...

so yeah that made things a lot easier and less embarrassing and less confrontational for me! Since then I haven't really had any problems being shy about it or anything...

but yeah... for some reason before that I was afraid everyone would think I was some sorta weirdo I guess? and I was already kind of shy in general. Back then that is.
13 years
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