
Introduction/ say hello, thread

Hi new belly in town.Long time visitor first time posting.More of a feeder,but put on 25 lbs in the pass last year and a half such is life.
13 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

i just got out of lurking.
but id love to meet new people and learn more
13 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

Hello everyone! I just joined here! I 've been into the f.a. community since I turned 17! But because of my social enviroment have never gone out of the closet (except once ,with my ex)! I am here to meet new people, share our views and interests and of course help any willing girl that wants to gain![img][/img]
13 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

Ms Fat Booty wrote
Hey all!
I am brand new to FF.
From the northeast and love, love, love to eat, so therefore i inevitably gain! I love it though!

I hope I can make some fun friends here!!!

Ms. Fat Booty

Welcome to FF, hope you come to enjoy the Site Ms. Fat Booty, its a fun place once you get to it smiley
13 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

Ms Fat Booty wrote
Hey all!
I am brand new to FF.
From the northeast and love, love, love to eat, so therefore i inevitably gain! I love it though!

I hope I can make some fun friends here!!!

Ms. Fat Booty


Pretty eyes! ;-)
13 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

I've been a member for a few weeks now, but thought I'd say hi over here before posting in other threads.
13 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

hey everyone.

I've come to this site off and on for a year or two, and everyone seems really nice so I'd figure it wouldn't be a bad thing to get to know you guys.

Btw, nice name rain on tin...Sonic Youth are great, definitely in my top 5!
13 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

Just want to say hi to everyone and introduce myself.

I've always wanted to be fat as far as I can remember, but have been skinny for most of my life. In primary school I remember looking at the bigger kids and feeling jealous of their physique.

Since moving out of home I've become more and more serious about doing something about it. I'm 6'1 and used to be about 83kg but have managed to reach 93kg. I must have fast metabolism because I eat a lot but it doesn't have much effect.

Although I've been trying, I haven't really made any more progress from here but I'd love to reach 100kg over the next few months and see where I decide to go from there.

It's great to know that there are like-minded people out there and hear all your stories =D
13 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

You're most welcome to the site, tia. I'm glad you found us and hope you find here what you're looking for
13 years

Introduction/ say hello, thread

TS90 wrote
Hey I just discovered this site its pretty awesome I had no idea this fetish existed. I was on a fitness board and people were posting deprogress pics (girls getting fat) in a mocking manner yet I found this a turn on. I did a bit of google searching for more pictures and ended up here smiley.

Ha, from fitness to fatness, welcome to the Dark Side. smiley
13 years
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