
Unconflicted feedees--a trend?

It seems to me that feedees are less conflicted about gaining these days than in the past.

Anyone else notice this? Or is it just wishful thinking on my part? smiley
13 years

Unconflicted feedees--a trend?

Availability of resources and more normalization of feedism would likely result in more people being open about it and less conflicted, yes. The former to a significant degree, but the latter far less so. Even some of my more outspoken gainer friends have their doubts, though, so totally 'unconflicted' might be as uncommon as it ever was.
13 years

Unconflicted feedees--a trend?

Dredhed wrote
I'm not realy conflincted about gaining. That's what being a feedee is about.

Ideally, but a lot of people have the urge and are still conflicted. Just check all the "should I gain?" threads in this very forum!
13 years

Unconflicted feedees--a trend?

@canadianenglish: You're right, I have no good data on's entirely based on people I encounter on the web and has no scientific validity. But I have had this impression and am curious whether others do too.

@canadianenglish, @dredhead: I should clarify. I define feedees as people who find gaining to be erotic, whether they've actually done it or not. Just as someone can be gay without having practiced gay sex, a feedee can be a feedee without having gained on purpose, a feeder can be a feeder without having encouraged someone to gain. So I would say even a conflicted feedee who has chosen not to gain is still a feedee.

If you disagree, that's fine; but please let's not turn this thread into a discussion of taxonomy! If you want to argue it, please start another thread.
13 years