Extreme obesity

Young ssbbw over 400lb

Question i live in Charlotte Nc and there is like no sign of SSBBW life really anywhere. Sometimes i do come across a ssbbw but she is like double my age and it makes it awkward.

Im gettin off topic. what im asking is that is it hard to find big girls your age (like very big girls) for you guys out there. ANd for you SSBBW is it hard to find guys your age.:o
13 years

Young ssbbw over 400lb

I live in southern California, SSBBW's are quite rare here and usually taken
13 years

Young ssbbw over 400lb

Tell us more please. Anyone know her name?
13 years

Young ssbbw over 400lb

SuperFelix wrote:
canadianenglish wrote
She's called Georgia Davies and she was something of a minor celebrity for a while after she lost half her body weight... then put it back on, apparently. Kind of proves my point that dieting, especially dramatic dieting, rarely has the desired effects.

I dont know how she gained all the weight again... But she didnt lose weight by dieting. She simply ate more healthy and above all, she ate less, and exercised more during the her time at the weight loss school. It was a complete change of lifestyle that made her lose weight. If she would have continued to eat "right" and exercise she wouldnt have gained weight again....

Dieting is bad and often results in weightgain in the end.
Losing weight through a lifestyle change, more exercise and eating healthy, is good.

A diet by any other name, is STILL a diet. A diet is any change in eating habbits in the attempt to lose weight.
13 years

Young ssbbw over 400lb

wal mart
13 years

Young ssbbw over 400lb

em2410 wrote:
Question i live in Charlotte Nc and there is like no sign of SSBBW life really anywhere. Sometimes i do come across a ssbbw but she is like double my age and it makes it awkward.

Im gettin off topic. what im asking is that is it hard to find big girls your age (like very big girls) for you guys out there. ANd for you SSBBW is it hard to find guys your age.:o

lol i hate doing this but i had a friend who goes to some art school in charotte i could provide you contact info or at least a fb page
12 years

Young ssbbw over 400lb

bignbeautiful wrote:
I'm not at the 400lbs range but I am up to around 350 and it's so hard to find someone who will go out with me without being ashamed or embarrassed of his preference
Aww,that's a real shame..hope it doesn't get you down too much.Don't forget also that men mature later than women and at 18 most of us are immature idiots frankly!
12 years

Young ssbbw over 400lb

ReadTheWind wrote:
There are no large people at my school. I go to a university that holds records for the largest amount of eating disorders and addictions to working out. It's so sad.

There's about eight hundred reasons why that's sad that are entirely unrelated to finding fat people attractive.
12 years

Young ssbbw over 400lb

The other day on a night out I saw a girl in my age in about that weight range (I guess 350ish, but she certainly wasn't thin) and we had a little chat. I first "discovered" her on the way to the loo when she wasn't exactly smiling so I did a clown's "Smile!" face and she did so smiley On my way back she had stopped smiling again and I made the same thing and she restarted smiley Her friend looked at me like I was some evil person but we ended up chatting nevertheless. She was brutally honest and told me that it usually never happens that someone approaches her in a club or anywhere for that matter and she wondered (with quite some resignation) why I did it. I told her that I preferred women of her size and she asked me why I would do that..It was a bit unfortunate, it turned out she really just was too self-critical..I told her she shouldn't be because she was a pretty girl (and not only because of her body but she had the most stunning face, especially for a girl her size) but our little chat had somewhat reached its end. I tried to squeeze some self-esteem out of her but failed. I ended up telling her again that she should treat herself with more respect. It was the first time I was in that kind of situation so I might not have made the best decisions in what I told her. I just hope I haven't made it worse smiley The world needs self-confidence that doesn't depend on size! smiley
12 years

Young ssbbw over 400lb

FyreBurner wrote:
The other day on a night out I saw a girl in my age in about that weight range (I guess 350ish, but she certainly wasn't thin) and we had a little chat. I first "discovered" her on the way to the loo when she wasn't exactly smiling so I did a clown's "Smile!" face and she did so smiley On my way back she had stopped smiling again and I made the same thing and she restarted smiley Her friend looked at me like I was some evil person but we ended up chatting nevertheless. She was brutally honest and told me that it usually never happens that someone approaches her in a club or anywhere for that matter and she wondered (with quite some resignation) why I did it. I told her that I preferred women of her size and she asked me why I would do that..It was a bit unfortunate, it turned out she really just was too self-critical..I told her she shouldn't be because she was a pretty girl (and not only because of her body but she had the most stunning face, especially for a girl her size) but our little chat had somewhat reached its end. I tried to squeeze some self-esteem out of her but failed. I ended up telling her again that she should treat herself with more respect. It was the first time I was in that kind of situation so I might not have made the best decisions in what I told her. I just hope I haven't made it worse smiley The world needs self-confidence that doesn't depend on size! smiley

You're not going to undo 20 or 30 years of negativity that she has encountered in one chat. You did your best, and maybe one day it will sink in and change her life. Or maybe it won't.
12 years
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