
Body shape in movies

The movie 300 was actually based on the graphic novel by Frank Miller. Zack Snyder (the director of the movie) has stated that his only intention with the movie was to accurately adapt the comic. So I think you have to blame the comic book industry for this one, rather than Hollywood. The funny thing is though, that when Frank Miller was writing 300, he spent a good deal of time in Greece extensively researching the history. Then he dramatized the hell out of it.
13 years

Body shape in movies

SuperFelix wrote:
You have got to realize that 300 is not in any way, shape or form, trying to be a historically correct movie. In fact, the only thing that is correct about that movie is that there were a couple of hundred spartans that fought the persian army for a while, but got slaughered rather quickly.

I personally don't know a single person that watches a Hollywood movie like 300 and think that what they see is reality. Everyone knows it is fake and everyone knows that the actors are part CGI.

The reason you watch these types of movies is that you want to be blown away by the sheer beauty and the pure awesomeness of the world the movie is portraying. You want to escape from your own life for 90-120 minutes and enter a fantasy where everything is perfect.

I mean, do you think you can curve bullets like in "Wanted"? Do you think you can share a dream like in "Inception"? Do you think there is a Middle Earth like in "The Lord of the Rings"? Of course not! But you like the idea of a world where there are secret asassins who can curve bullets or steal secrets from others while they are dreaming or a world where elves, hobbits and demigods walk the earth.

If all movies based on something that has happened had to be historically correct you wouldn't have Troy, 300, Ben Hur, Gladiator, any movie from the first or second world war (or any war for that matter... the raping and killing of innocent doesn't make a good movie if it is the "good guys" that is performing the deeds) and so on... You have to "airbrush" reality to be able to make it into a movie.

Hollywood is a dreamfactory and should always continue to be one. But, yes, it would be fun if there were more diversity in Hollywood, I am not arguing against that.

But, and this is a big, biiig, but. I know more than a dozen guys who are more ripped than the spartans in 300, without the help of CGI. They are definitely not using any form of performance enhancing drugs either. Granted, these are all top athletes and amongst the most fit people in the world...

Umm...pretty sure he wasn't complaining about their embellishing of the story dude. His point was actually that their body type was innaccurate.
13 years

Body shape in movies

supertrooper wrote:
so maybe before you try to sound smart and point things out you might want to study what your actually talking about and not a different subject.

I'm just going to ignore this, ok?
13 years