
Stuffing for stress relief

Stuffing is a great stress reliever for more than one reason.

1. Foods can often be associated with "good" events in our lives, cake and ice cream with birthdays etc etc.

2. Eating generally stimulates the pleasure centers of your brain. So when you're eating something that you really like, you're not only pleasing your tongue and belly, you're pleasing your mind.

and 3. When you actually start to get stuffed and keep eating after that your body releases endorphins so that your body can deal with the large amounts of food you're taking in. It's almost like getting high.

So yea, lol, and I've done it a couple of times too. I would do it more often but I rarely have enough food in the house to just eat normally being a college student lol
13 years

Stuffing for stress relief

Yep, if I feel bad sometimes I'll go to a buffet and eat while staring at the window.
13 years

Stuffing for stress relief

For me, I find that it's something that I had to kind of program myself to do (and I'm still working on it). Sort of how some people at first have to work at going to the gym as a means of a means of stress relief - it takes some self control and coaching to do, but if you do it enough, it can become a habit.

I kind of wish that when I was a kind I could have been someone that would have eaten to relieve stress - might have allowed me to be a bit more comfortable sooner with my wanting to be fat later on in life.
13 years