
Are you on facebook?

add me if you like
13 years

Are you on facebook?

EllieShazam wrote:
I think I may be one of the only people in the world without a facebook.
Lame, I know. lol

Its not lame!

You are one of the lucky few, facebook is an evil trying to take over the world along with iphones and twitter, don't give in, humanity needs as many untainted as possible! :O

(yes, I am a hypocrite, I have facebook, but I loathe the thing, unfortunately stupid friends insist on communicating through it only... >.<smiley
13 years

Are you on facebook?

love to meet gay german guys smiley
13 years

Are you on facebook?

bbwbunny wrote:
supertrooper wrote:
are you ashamed of us?

No, I am not ashamed lol...I just prefer to keep things separate ! I mean why give random strangers access to pics of my family and my nieces & nephews, ya know ?
Agree with this kind of don't want your mum to know EVERYTHING!lolsmiley
13 years

Are you on facebook?

I have so many people on here that I've added that are amazing :]

If anyone wants to add me, simply send me a message on here. I add pretty much anyone, but I'm looking for more great people ;]
13 years

Are you on facebook?

Sent you a request, MsPrettyPanties
13 years

Are you on facebook?

Mine is Daniel Louis Sapphire. I'm always interested in meeting new people, so long as they talk. When you add me let me know you're from FF, so that I know who you are. smiley
13 years

Are you on facebook?

I might just add that I use facebook almost daily, as it can be quite addictive (and sometimes annoying when nothing is happening)
My facebook page is although I dont really tend to discuss fat related issues publically on there, even with the few other FF members I am friends with on FB.
13 years