
Does anybody feel like me?

I think I do, in most ways anyway.

You are not alone.
13 years

Does anybody feel like me?

You're definitely not alone in feeling like that. When I started at my current University I moved to a new city, leaving behind all my friends and most of my family. Right now the only member of my immediate family that is within reasonable driving distance is my older sister who is an alum of the Uni I'm going to right now.

At first the lonliness was crushing, still is sometimes because I have a hard time making friends. I tend to keep to myself until I'm comfortable in a space and since I'm now at a large University where the classes are often huge and somewhat impersonal it's harder for me to get comfortable and really start talking to anyone.

But you are definitely not alone, sometimes I think that I'll never find anyone. It almost seems like Im doomed to die alone melodramatic as that sounds.

Despite the fact that I'm probably one of the most ill-equipped to give you advice, I'm going to restate what's been said by a could of other members in this thread. You have to face your flaws and embrace them. Our flaws are a large part of what makes us individuals, one could even say that it is our imperfections that make us perfect.

I hope things improve for you soon.
13 years

Does anybody feel like me?

I'm fairly certain most people who are not egomaniacs or delusional about their godlike status have been through what you describe. Unfortunately there's no quick fix to make it vanish in a puff of pink sparkles. Look at other people - how many of them are truly amazing? I don't imagine you want to be like them anyway. Some of your characteristics you listed are positive anyway - who wants to fit the trends? Yawn! My only advice is to focus on what you enjoy in life rather than obsessing about finding a great relationship. Cos one thing I know is that whether you're with or without someone, you're still essentially on your own. That might sound depressing but it's not - you know there's one person you can always rely on to get you through, and that's yourself. Go & have fun & forget about what you feel you should be doing or how other people might want you to be.
13 years