
Dating site and the movie feed

Dude...Why are you guys so lucky? As near as I can tell I'm the only person I know IRL that's even remotely into this sort of thing.

Maybe I should just start fetish conversations with random people on the street! lol
13 years

Dating site and the movie feed

FriesWithThatShake wrote:
Well it was on the internet. It's a LOT easier talking about things when you don't have to see a persons facial reactions and gestures to what you say, haha. That, and I'm a horrible liar. I wasn't just going to agree with everything she had to say, so I felt that I had to set things right.

A couple weeks ago I was asking what the best way to bring up the fetish to someone you know, so I figured what better way than right when you start talking about the movie Feed? LOL. We haven't talked any more about that subject, and I don't plan on it either.

She's definitely a cool girl though; she made her own Pokemon hoodie, LOL

That's true, I know personally that it's just easier for me to socialize in general online than it is in real life.

And pokemon hoodie?? She sounds awesome!!
13 years

Dating site and the movie feed

FriesWithThatShake wrote:
But I always imagine a scenario where if I told them, they'd just burst out in laughter or disgust and just be rude in general.

This is exactly what I was expecting as I read through your post.

Its awesome that the situation worked out so well for you, but I really think you need to be congratulated for being so upfront and honest.

It would have been so easy to play dumb or laugh the question off, given she already gave you her opinion, and i'm sure thats what alot of us would have done in your position.

I think your honesty in the face of her negativity won you alot of respect in her eyes and may be part of the reason why she didn't freak out or anything. Of course though there is also the matter of your natural charm and good looks. smiley

Maybe you should be a spokesman for Feederism? smiley
13 years

Dating site and the movie feed

Twirly wrote:I think if I was honest and said I want a feeder partner like a addict wants his next hit I might see a reduction...



13 years