
So who is actually gaining weight here?

I am not actively gaining at the moment. As of right now it is a fantasy. However I am not as much into the actual weight gain as the feeding involved. This does not mean I would not be interested in gain for those who would like to encourage me. Over all I am just a very open person who is looking for someone to share an interest and talk to about what is going to happen with the relationship.
17 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

Buffetbelly wrote:
lizzyny wrote:
Up to 219 from 160 4 years ago.

That's very impressive. You are 37% larger than you were.

My gain from 240 to 365 represents an increase of 52%.

I know there a one or two feedees who have actually doubled their weight. Gaining Goddess is one, and there is ample photographic evidence.

Thanks, Buffetbelly. smiley
17 years

Yeah i try but it´s so hard...

I weighted 97kg but then i had some weeks of hard work and stress and lost 7kg now i try to eat my way back but it´s not so easy for me :-)

bye ah and today it was 93kg again lol
17 years

Just starting out

I'm a long-time wannabe fatty, and over the years I've tried to get fat many a time. I always found it so hard to gain even a few pounds, and I'd give up after a few weeks. But then with a new career, a change in lifestyle and maybe just with age, I've finally started to have some success. Over the last year, I've gained 20 pounds, ten of them in the past two months. The feeling is amazing! I've never felt so erotic. I've outgrown two sizes in jeans, and although I'm still a few pounds from being "offically" overweight (BMI 24.5), I've never experienced such joy and excitement.

I love looking at myself in the mirror, noticing how I've developed some sizable love handles and how cellulite is creeping up my sides and onto my belly above the navel. My wife hasn't commented yet, though she's squeezed my fat a few times during sex (which drives me absolutely wild). She has no idea that I'm stuffing myself like there's no tomorrow, and I'm nowhere near admitting that I'm doing this on purpose, but I'm just dying for the day when she tells me I'm getting fat! I hope she doesn't mind, because I don't think I can stop now, now that I'm finally living my lifelong dream...

I'm sure many of you won't be impressed by such a teeny-weeny gain, but this represents such a massive change in my self-image and appearance that I just can't get over it. I've always been thin and extremely athletic, and even though I'm not really fat yet, I'm already too heavy to do some of the things I used to do. I dream of being massively obese someday, so fat that I waddle when I walk. I'll try to post some before and after photos soon. Meanwhile, it's great to find such a group of supportive individuals who understand this inexplicable pleasure that comes from fattening. I look forward to the day when I'm so fat my friends and family don't even recognize me!

Thanks for your support and encouragement,

16 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

I gained a lot of weight in 2005. I went from 155 to 224 that year, but since then, it's been a lot tougher to gain. By Thanksgiving 2006, I was up to nearly 250 (with a 50" belly), but sickness and heartbreak took their toll soon afterwords. I got down to 218, but am currently starting to gain again, perhaps my appetite is turned on by the anticipation of Thanksgiving and Christmas. I am now 226. So yeah, I guess I'm gaining. I'd like to get back up to 250 soon. And after that? Well, we'll see.
16 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

me! gone up from 136 lbs (end of july/begin of august) to 145 lbs end of august, and now I am at 154 lbs smiley ---the first 9pounds:thanks to rich&delicious italian food. ^^
16 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

I have been gaining of and on for a long time. but recently I am back to it more seriously. I just crossed the threshold, (according to the BMI) of being overweight smiley. I am considering going another 25 pounds or so. That will make me officialy obese LOL.
16 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

I have sort of blown past 220 am at about 222-223. Its really odd how it comes in waves. I was stalled for a bit and now I seen to gain a bit each day. I have been officialy overweight for about a month or so and still think that is soooo cool. But now I am really starting to "show". I look at myself sometimes and I am amazed at how I am changing. I don't know how far I will go but I keep adding 5 pound goals. But there has always been this deep desire to see what it would feel like to be actually obese. So the number 250 comes to mind. But who knows I may chicken out any day too and get back down to 195.
15 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

PlumpGirl91 wrote:
Just weighed myself, I've gone up from 141Lbs to 145.6Lbs over the past 3 weeks. I'm really quite proud of myself, because it seemed like my gaining had slowed and I was worried my body wouldn't be able to get bigger. Now aiming for 151Lbs by the end of April.
Size 16 here I come! smiley
Well done look forward to your weight going up and up. Body weight is a funny thing, you can gain quickly for a month or two, then level off. Then later it starts up all over again. So don't get dispondent if you do slow down, although my own experience with weight gain was unintentional and happened over many years, so those actually gaining would give better advice.
13 years

So who is actually gaining weight here?

about 410 lbs and still gaining.

13 years
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