
Doctor who

Personally I'm loving the older-woman-love-interest thing with River Song, even the Mrs Robinson gag *sigh*. Alex Kingston as the 40-something hottie is a refreshing change from the usual Doctor-falls-for-20-yr-old-companion storyline. Although it has to be said that the coltish redhead is an astonishing looking woman...
13 years

Doctor who

Oh yah the Adipose episode was fantastic. And it is one with my favorite companion, Donna. Plus she is kinda chubby herself, just a great FA episode.

Did anyone see "the Doctor's Wife"? OMG fantastic!!!!
13 years

Doctor who

Love Doctor Who. When Smith started, I was still mourning Tennant, so I hated every change they had made.

But now I think he's a great doctor. Different, of course, but the greatness remains

... bow ties are cool
13 years

Doctor who

sleeepon7 wrote:
I just hope the BBC doesn't can it in cost cutting measures.... Lol

No need to worry, selling it to over fifty countries means it makes far to much money to cut.

My favourite Doctor has to be Christopher Eccleston, although he was never as good in that as in Our Friends In The North.

It has taken a while but I am finally warming to Matt Smith in Doctor Who, maybe that was just because I was annoyed they only made one series of Party Animals.
12 years

Doctor who

It is an awesome topic on the subject of my favourite TV show (and yes, I'm old enough to remember Tom Baker - just).

No new Who till the autumn! It's too long! Weeping, wailing, gnashing of teeth etc smiley
12 years

Doctor who

Voluptoraptor wrote:
I won't lie, I love Daleks. They have the best quotes.

"Would you care for some tea?"
12 years

Doctor who

Mattachu wrote:
I'm looking forward to the series later this year, so hopefully they can wrap up some of the threads that've been running through the last two series
Plus, speaking of Daleks, the newly designed, colourful Daleks haven't really played much of a role in the series yet, have they? Would be interesting to see them and how their different roles work

I heard a rumour that they're dumping the new Daleks and going back to the classic look. Mainly because most fans apparently think they're rubbish and look like Dalek Teletubbies... smiley
12 years

Doctor who

bbwildrose wrote:
But then I called the dalek leader 'Stavros' recently so what do I know! smiley

I spent at least 30 seconds wondering what was wrong with that. Lol
12 years

Doctor who

sinatrablue wrote:
retrogasm wrote:My favorite episode was the Leonardo da Vinci episode. Nearly cried at the end. ;_;

Oh man, Vincent and The Doctor had me in bits by the end! Such a wonderful episode. Probably one of my favourites along with The Girl Who Waited and Blink. smiley

Yes, yes and yes. Plus Silence In The Library. The Empty Child. Human Nature. Dalek, The Doctor's Wife, Father's Day, The Impossible Astronaut... smiley
12 years

Doctor who

How have I only just seen this thread...?
12 years
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