General people in real life know?

I'm wondering how many of you have let other people in your life know that you either like the idea of a chubby or fat significant other?

Or in the case of feedees, do they know you're you're trying to gain?

In my case I don't think people have any idea. I think I can't tell them even if I cared to do so. If you knew me in real life, it'd run counter to who and what I am. Thus, it would seem very, very odd if I "came out" with it. I could be happy with a thin woman, but if she were chubby it'd definitely be a plus.
17 years people in real life know?

GaryDarko wrote:
One time a few of my friends and I were having a quiet drink at my house, and I foolishly left my laptop open and browsing history intact. I left the room for a minute and they came across, after very little snooping, a few of my fav sites :o I couldn't really deny them due to the sheer volume of pages I'd visited, but infact I didn't really want to deny it- I am who I am, but I was a bit embarrassed about the pornographic nature I feel all the better them knowing, and they were all very cool about it smiley It's a shame not everyone is always so understanding

a few things, 1.theres a reason u can clear ur browsing history/ private data in those programs 2. ur friend should have been looking in ur damn computer ne way and u should have shown the nosely bastard the back of ur hand and then the door. and 3. no matter how good of friends two guys are, they should never see the others adult materials

I used to be real quiet about my preferances, never told a soul, I just kept it to myself. I stopped doing that and ive never regretted it for a moment, i refuse to apologize for who I am or what I like. most people who know me know where my preferances lay. only a chosen few don't know and it is because i didnt want them to know just yet.
17 years people in real life know?

most of my close friends know i like big girls. only one of my friends knows that i like to see them get bigger, and that im trying to get fat myself.
17 years people in real life know?

Almost anyone that knows me, knows that I've always liked fat girls, and it's never really been an issue with anyone. It's always been a very live and let live attitude when it comes to that part of my life.

As for the gaining part of my life, there's only a handful of people that know that I've been getting fatter on purpose, and they've almost exclusively been people that I've been intimate with. I think there's only two friends that know that I've been gaining on purpose.
14 years people in real life know?

It's pretty common knowledge that I like bigger girls, as it's hard to hide (and I have no desire to hide or have ever attempted to hide) the fact that you are checking out and dating bigger girls.

As for my feeder/feedee tenancies, this is a secret.
14 years people in real life know?

I'm not a gainer, but there is the part about me liking bigger women. I don't have a specific preference when it comes to body types, as any type can turn me on depending on how she is built. Anyway, my parents once were curious as I had a BBW model on my Myspace friends list and my mom was all asking me stuff about it and tried to change the subject. I just tell them that body type doesn't matter to me, even though there is the over-the-top/overboard part of it that I get sort of turned off by, but that's beside the point.

Although once I did receive flack from a friend about me dating a bigger girl at the time. Another guy was all telling him that body types don't really matter to me.
14 years