
Coming home from college

My mother is always whining at me for my weight. When I still lived here full time it used to drive me batty. I've always been a curvy girl but my mum just keeps insisting I'm unhealthy and can be quite mean about it.

Since I wen't off to uni when I do come home for holidays she's never short of comments such as 'look at that belly hanging out again' 'have you put on weight?'. It wouldn't bother me so much if she didn't mean it in a really negative light. My other half is a big FA and loves my stomach and he makes me feel good about the way I look.

Sometimes I just wish mum could be a bit more supportive of the way I look so I know exactly what your going through.
13 years

Coming home from college

Lately my parents haven't been as vocal about my weight *a possible consequence to me losing nearly 200lbs last year?* but in the past they, especially my mom, would voice their worries about it.

My mom wouldn't really nag at me about it, but she would sometimes corner me and rope me into a conversation about how worried she was about my weight. Which of course is probably worse than just being nagged at about it. Particularly cause it would make me feel like crap about gaining on purpose.

I haven't had much time to spend at home lately cause I've taken summer cl***es as well as spring and fall cl***es for the last 4 years. But still they haven't mentioned it lately, though I'm sure they may mention it soon as I'm off of the diet again and have gained nearly 40lbs since spring break.
13 years