
Feedee girl????

If you have a connection with someone, it is easy to find out what they are into without making a big deal about it.

For example, go out for ice cream. Make some joke. Something along the lines, of "I dated one woman who liked ice cream so much, she gained 30 pounds in a year." The wait to see what your date says. "I think that is gross," or "I've gained 30 pounds in a year, and I don't mind."

You don't need to spill your guts out. But as someone pointed out, happening to find someone who jsut happens to be a feedee is very rare.
13 years

Feedee girl????

I understand where you are coming from, I imagine it must be frustrating as a female feedee, searching for a feeder yet reading these situations, but it really is alot easier said then done.

Obviously the biggest hurdle is distance, it always seems most feedees are on the other side of the world to wherever we are.

The other problem though is that more often then not a sexual fetish isn't enough for a relationship. People like what they like, and just because a girl says she is a feedee, doesn't mean that all feeders will automatically be attracted to her.

As a result, it is much easier to try and fit a fetish into a relationship where everything else is already perfect, rather then try and fit a realtionship in with a person who all you have in common with is a fetish.

--Dan-- wrote:
The above comments plus: I don't think that a relationship should be based off a fetish (i.e. only going out with a girl because she's a feedee). If you're in a happy loving relationship then the fetish should take a back seat in my honest opinion, but that doesn't mean people want to keep it a secret, hence why people wanna tell their partner about it. Dunno if that made much sense, I tend to ramble smiley

Made perfect sense, I think you summed it up nicely.
13 years

Feedee girl????

I have to agree with Ruby, although love is enough to overcome not having any real feederism in your life, it can create a massive hole where you spend every mintue you can on sites like this trying to fill it and sometimes its just not enough

I know with my ex boyfriend who was not the least bit an FA or a feeder although I was happy and was content to stay with him I always felt like something was missing and would constantly fantasise about being fed and realised id never be properly happy with him and would spend my life wishing
so I think if your like me and need this in your life, you shouldnt settle for someone not into the same fetish as you, youll never feel complete
13 years

Feedee girl????

muscleslovescurves wrote:
I've come to two conclusions from this: 1) i don't need feederism in my offline life - though i'd jump at the chance to experience it at least once, and 2) i can't be with a skinny female in real life, no matter how amazing they are it won't ever work out long term.... I need curves! lol.

I'v been in exactly the same situation you describe and I came to the exact same conclusion. Attraction and sex are very important in a relationship!
13 years

Feedee girl????

muscleslovescurves wrote:
I've come to two conclusions from this: 1) i don't need feederism in my offline life - though i'd jump at the chance to experience it at least once, and 2) i can't be with a skinny female in real life, no matter how amazing they are it won't ever work out long term.... I need curves! lol.

I feel the same. And even though I am just an FA and don't need feederism in a relationship, it is already very frustrating to find a partner, because here in Belgium there are not many big girls, and then probably 99% of them is considering WLS.

I am also with Stella. I have fallen in love with skinny girls when I was younger, purely based on their personality. I am glad things didn't work out, because although I really was in love with them, I was not in the least sexually attracted to them, so I have no idea how we would have overcome that.
13 years