
Dubstep anyone?

I wasn't a big fan of the earlier dubstep, I found it a bit hit and miss as to whether I liked it. I like some of the stuff by Caspa, particularly the remix of "Where's my money". Some of the newer stuff coming out seems to have more of a trance feel to it, such as the newer stuff from Benga and Skream, and I've always liked my trance, so that's all good. Having said that, I never really delved around in dubstep much so there's probably been stuff I'd like that I've missed. I've just listened to the track you mentioned by Mt Eden and that was pretty good, I'll have to have a mooch around Youtube sometime and educate myself a bit more as to what's about!
13 years

Dubstep anyone?

I love dubstep but apparently it's played & now it's all about soca. damn you house why won't you die?
13 years

Dubstep anyone?

mmm dubstep.
makes me happy.
Any suggestions for some cooler more like gritty dubstep?
I like Burial's Ghost Hardware.
13 years

Dubstep anyone?

Is dubstep the one with all the dum dum dum that gets played in nightclubs?
Im not a fan.
I mean, why not listen to something with an actual tune, melody and great lyrics? ... oh, now you've just taken the tune, melody and great lyrics but mashed them about with a dum dum dum to make it easier to jump around to.
Once I heard a dance remix of Babara Streisand... not the artist, the song (which is already a pointless waste of earspace)

... if that isn't dubstep, then I'm sorry for wasting your time
13 years

Dubstep anyone?

Admin Mode: Keep it cool everyone, and remain respectful of each other. smiley
13 years

Dubstep anyone?

Sorry I was just adding to discussion about a topic. I'm not a hater, just saying that it's not one of may favourite things is all.

It's alright, I respect that people like it and dance to it - as I've gone along with doing on occasion - it's just not one of my favourite things.

Yeah honestly I don't know much about electronic music (ejay really being my only basis)... yeah also I was just killing time on the forums

okay, so I think we're all cool now smiley

(backing away after perhaps unintentionally starting something)
13 years

Dubstep anyone?

Yes! Great thread. I like a variety of dubstep. But I mostly like themed dubstep like with something familiar to the sampling? Know what I mean?
12 years