
Fantasy weight gain question

I would have to think about it! But the thought of ballooning by hundred pounds overnight is tantilizing to be sure!
13 years

Fantasy weight gain question

georgejorge wrote:
I probably wouldn't complain if someone slipped one into my food or drink.

Or two.

Or three.


I'd be a bit torn. Part of me would love to get up to my goal weight, but I do enjoy the progress I've made so far and the "work" that went into the weight I've gained.
13 years

Fantasy weight gain question

I'd take them, if they were temporary lol.
13 years

Fantasy weight gain question

I don't think I'd hesitate to take one...or two *maybe three*. LOL, but that is, as others have said, if there was a way to reverse the process.

Though even if it were a permanent gain I think I'd still take one. Or possibly grind a couple up and section it out to take, say, a fourth of one every week for 2 months. That way people who know you IRL won't be like "Holy Effin Shizz man, what happened to you???" lol
13 years