
All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

I am defiantly 100% a geek, well at least by popular culture standards.

I am sustainable to long stints of online gaming, taking the effort to watch all the Star Treks in order, recently built my first computer and have my comic book collection insured for $10000.

FML :o
13 years

All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

I'm certainly a candidate for Geekdom. I'm a major Star Wars junky, I love sciences especially biology, I love the original Star Trek, I've actually read LOTR, and I'm a huge fan of Harry Potter!
13 years

All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

I prefer to think of myself as a nerd. smiley
13 years

All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

If having lots of gadgets make me a geek... Then...

Raises hand!

13 years

All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

I'm a pretty big dork, but I have my limits haha

If anyone plays Starcraft 2, Battlefield Heroes, Monday Night Combat or Lead and Gold... let me know

I also used to play Planetside, Champions Online and City of Heroes. If anyone wants to play Champions, I might be up for that.
13 years

All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

i am a published writer of some thing called science fiction poetry. i think i win lol
13 years

All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

Comics, films, tv, games... I call myself a nerd of all trades... well most, at least
13 years

All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

any comic geeks read the latest Wolverine and the x men?
12 years

All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

Littleyellowspider wrote:
I'd consider myself to be a little geeky. I love Harry Potter, LOTR, Star Trek, video games, comic books, and reading in general. Zombies are kind of my thing too. I even own the Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks.I also watch cartoon network/adult swim religiously.

AH! Someone who speaks my language!
Well, everyone knows you can't spell Maximillian without "N-E-R-D" right? ...

Anywho... I like Star Wars, LOTR, Game of Thrones, Harry Potter, video games of all types, One Piece (I don't usually watch anime, but this is just the coolest one ever) I also like all kinds of cartoons because I'm still stuck in the late 1990s.

Yep. Quite a catch. :-P
12 years

All the geeks in the house put your put your hands up!

I might fit under the umbrella of geekdom. I love doing Cosplay photoshoots with my friends though I have yet to make my own outfit. I'm hoping to be a regular attendee at the local Renaissance Fair with my new and improved Ren Fair outfit.

I own a Star Trek TNG medical officers uniform that I don't wear as often as I want because the zipper is weird. I plan on fixing it... I'm doing a speech on Star Trek and how it's affected society in one of my classes this semester. I enjoy Star Wars though I don't give it enough appreciation as I should. I'm a big time LOTR fan with collectibles, action figures, posters, t-shirts, extended dvds, and other assorted paraphernalia. I love Harry Potter and went to every Midnight Premier as well as the last four midnight book releases. I love RPGs (especially Oblivion though I'm dying to play Skyrim).

Whenever I'm mock-upset with a friend I point, stare menacingly and say, "I challenge you to an Agni Kai!" My bending capabilities are nonexistent though.

I love learning about music, the Indian religion, Napoleon, random movie facts, botany, participating in philosophical text, and writing poetry.

"No more rhymes now, I mean it."

"Anybody want a peanut?"
12 years
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