
How fast till it shows

Diyanahnah wrote:
I was curious about this too. I mean not in a day. But how much could i feasibly gain in a week? two weeks? a month? Im a girl with a slow metabolism and I havent started with the gain. I weight 140 and am 5'7". smiley Still, itd be useful to know how long I have until i start expanding. That feels so weird to say, but i dont know how else to put it, haha.smiley

I once managed to gain 8 pounds in a week. But that was after comeing off of a long diet so my metabolism was probably a total wreck.

More than that would probably be hard for anyone to manage. So I guess if you wanted to know how much one could gain in a week/month/2 months you could look at it in multiples of 8.
13 years

How fast till it shows

Diyanahnah wrote:
My metabolism is pretty slow since i already have shaky eating habits (in that i dont eat consistent meals or sometimes i skip them) but i dont think i could gain 8 in a week.

Yea it's a lot, but it's actually even more impressive than that. I actually averaged that for almost 5 weeks right after I went off of my diet.
13 years

How fast till it shows

I have noticed with myself in the past and even my wife that it usually seems that gains come sveral weeks after the over indulgence or heavier eating.

Its almost like I notice, Wow.... I cant stop eating lately and my portions are much larger with out even getting full, my appetite really opens up for several weeks to a month. Then all of a sudden two + weeks later I cant button any of my pants on my slacks and I am a bit fatter and sure enough I have gained 10+ Lbs.

Thats my experience but I wonder how that works on a cruise for other people they seem to notice there huge gains right when they get off the cruise or even on it after the extra indulgence.
13 years

How fast till it shows

After a lot of eating, of course your belly will look bigger, and it may keep being somewhat bigger for a day or two--but of course this is just the effect of all the food packed into it.

As everyone else has said, actual fat you put on more slowly, and as it goes all over your body, not just one place, it will not be so obvious for small amounts.

However, if you spend, for example, a weekend steadily eating, to the point of being pretty much between full and stuffed the entire time, your gut will be swollen out to an impressive amount by the end. Doing that one time, my weight was up nearly ten pounds.....then all by eight or nine of that was gone by a couple of days later.
13 years