
Can't gain

*sigh* I've been a longtime lurker on this site. It's time to come out of the...pantry?
I totally have fantasies of getting really fat, but the reality if I did would be intolerable for me. I work with kids and love being super active. Not that some people can't do it all (applause) but the heavier I am, the exponentially harder it is for me to be really active.
In addition, I have a *tiny* frame (only five feet tall!) and any extra weight apart from the "extra" I already have and love would be stress my joints and ankles.
I eroticize weightgain in a serious way: I love the stretch marks, the body transformation, the subversiveness of getting fat, fulfilling desire, the decadence and sexualizing of certain foods, rolls forming, outgrowing clothes, spilling out of your bra, bellies hanging over beltlines, and oooooo triple belly rolls. *swoon* I'm also pearshaped, so I'd never really get the body I'm so hot for anyhow smiley
I'm sure I'm not the only one in this position. Anyone else? Support?
Also--if you just wanna hate, and criticize me for not "just doing it", find somewhere else to post that stuff. I just want support.
13 years

Can't gain

There are lots of people would like to gain but can't, or at least, can't right now. They have job or lifestyle conflicts (like you), or health concerns, or their significant other wouldn't like it, or their parents wouldn't like it, or they want to find a feeder first, or they are physically unable to gain (maybe 2% of the populace can't gain no matter how much they eat).

And of course a lot of feeders have a similar problem...they want to feed somebody but can't find the right person.

Welcome to the club!
13 years

Can't gain

Congratulations on at least letting yourself be soft and curvy.(I ***ume you have still stayed at 135?) You're quite beautiful. There are quite a handful of gorgeous 5'0" and 5'1" ladies on the site of various sizes and shapes right now. And all of you are terrific-yourself included.
I have to ask-do you have to work hard to maintain your current weight? And are you sure your joints would hurt if you weighed just 160-170? I'm just wondering what would happen if you totally relaxed about your weight this summer. Do you think some weight would come on by accident? Just sayin'. Stuffing and gaining 100 lbs is out of the question-no doubt. But you might get some pleasure from not worrying about a few extra pounds-just for a period of time anyway. Please write back. You organize your thoughts and feelings very well and I'm sure alot of people besides myself would like to hear more from you. Take Care and best wishes. Matt
13 years

Can't gain

There is nothing wrong with enjoying this only in fantasy, you just need to find someone to enjoy the fantasy with. smiley
13 years

Can't gain

thanks for the support, all.
@jazzman--In answer to your questions: I don't have to work "hard", but I also gain weight pretty easily, due to genetics and slow metabolism (which makes my circulation pretty poor, but I take cayenne and butcher's broom capsules for it). I'm more of a foodie than a feedee, and eating "junk" food (like fast food, processed food, ice cream, chips, anything with HFCS or MSG, etc) just makes me sick. My joints hurt if I'm at 140, which is only 5 lbs away. Every 10 lbs puts something like 40 lbs of pressure on your knees. I'm pretty much at the highest weight I can comfortably be at. But, it's still a lovely fantasy!
@maximum--I've always appreciated your thoughtful and sensitive responses and am pretty happy to be on the receiving end this time! smiley
@bellywaves-- fatjectives?! XD
13 years

Can't gain

dreambig wrote:
I eroticize weightgain in a serious way: I love the stretch marks, the body transformation, the subversiveness of getting fat, fulfilling desire, the decadence and sexualizing of certain foods, rolls forming, outgrowing clothes, spilling out of your bra, bellies hanging over beltlines, and oooooo triple belly rolls. *swoon*

It´s not exactly on topic but I have to say that this list is great. Thanks, you are a poet.
13 years