
Male vs female pictures

I'm really curious: according to the home page, there are supposedly 267 people who post pictures to FF, but only 76 of these are female. I wish those numbers were reversed (although I am thankful for the 76 women who have posted pics!). What accounts for the big discrepancy? Do women come to this site looking for men? Are men more comfortable declaring their preference for bigger bodies?
13 years

Male vs female pictures

That is about the ratio of men to women on this site.
13 years

Male vs female pictures

I also think part of it is men don;t show off as much as women. Men are visually stimulated.

Women are more stimulated by things deeper than looks.

So really, women show off for the men, but men don;t show off near as much for women.
13 years

Male vs female pictures

johnxyz wrote:
That is about the ratio of men to women on this site.

This pretty much sums it up lol
13 years