
Outta curiosity........

I dont get it much but even when I was 60 kilos and was definetly not fat, I was out jogging and a guy in a car yelled out' Keep running fat girl'
but as the car was levelling with us I just had a feeling they were going to yell something out, so I had my drink bottle ready and when he yelled I threw it hard at the window and it broke hahahahahahaha
13 years

Outta curiosity........

OMG I can not believe for one, that a group of guys had nothing better to do on a night out than har*** a gorgeous woman because she weighs more than them like .. wtf losers
and secondly that this kind of behaviour is tolerated and just brushed off like that !!!

What a ***ing joke !
13 years

Outta curiosity........

Also this
' "Yep, I bought a lot of xyz! What'd you get?" if it's another customer, and go over to their cart and start looking. It usually works. lol'

made me laugh sooo hard hahahahaha, the ' and start looking ' hahahahahaha
13 years

Outta curiosity........

Why am I SO not surprised that the shouts come from men and men under 30 particularly!!!Just f**king,brain dead idiots with penises as small as their brains!HUGE RESPECT from me for standing up to themsmiley
Stares are a little trickier..bit of a danger of misinterpretation!After all,it might be someone like me:staring because I'm turned on by you!smiley
13 years

Outta curiosity........

I think I'm at the opposite end of the spectrum here. When I was in high school (as a 14-16 year old) I had the taller girls try and taunt me for being small. I certainly wasnt fat, but a bit on the short side back then.
Ah well, guess what happened as a result?
13 years

Outta curiosity........

AmberBombshell wrote:
smiley This thread made me really sad. The only people I have ever heard or notice making fun of me for my size were little kids (mainly little boys). So, I never let it get to me. But one time I did tell a mother she should teach her child manners. Usually the kids are 6 and under... and at that age they really don't know any better. But this one little boy was 11 and his mom was standing there not saying a thing to him or even apologizing for his cruel words. So I did say something to her, but I wasnt rude or anything.

Why are people SO STUPID and mean?? smiley

Fear my dear, rooted so deep they don't even realize it. I've met people who have built their lives around it.

As an old prof once said, "there is no one more repressed than someone who doesn't know it."
13 years

Outta curiosity........

I'm not sure how I'd react if this happened...all I get is concerns from my mom about gaining too much weight.
12 years

Outta curiosity........

Hahah someone called me fat the other day and I said to them
' that's like calling me brunette '
hahah hell stopped them in their tracks
flirty you are so right haha people think calling you fat will be like soo hurful so then when it doesnt offend you it completely strips bullies like that of their power, its so funny seeing them trying to process it in their little minds

but... shes fat... and shes not being insulted by me calling her fat... uhh what do i do.. derp derp

thats basically the process lol
12 years

Outta curiosity........

Bonnie Aslan Lion wrote:
I haven't had anyone say mean things to me maybe im not big enough yet smiley

that's the same with me tbh, i used to get jeers and insults quite a lot in year 7/8 but nower days i don't get much insults, i know i'm fat but it doesn't often show
12 years