
Will feederism ever be...

...accepted by mainstream society?

If so, how will this come about?

If not, why?

13 years

Will feederism ever be...

sethman wrote:Think about how many people that are even HERE, on FF, who don't accept the fetish.

Good point. But it's hard for us to accept ourselves in the absence of any wider acceptance.

I'm not too optimistic about this myself, but it's worth thinking about.
13 years

Will feederism ever be...

Kid A wrote:
Please can we stop hating ourselves? Seriously.


On the count of three.

13 years

Will feederism ever be...

sethman wrote:
Note to the Mods: I humbly request that this thread by moved to the Fat Liberation Forum.

Way to kill a thread, dude! smiley
13 years

Will feederism ever be...

> Well the thread is kind of 100% about fat liberation, so it fits best here.

Really? Neither the section title nor the subtitle say anything about feederism. I think most people would say that "fat liberation" is about not discriminating against fat people. Perhaps some would include feedees and feeders under this rubric, but it's not obvious to me.
13 years

Will feederism ever be...

sethman wrote:
I will say that I think you're only arguing because, like I said, only me and about 3 other members post here now that Juicy's gone, and you're mad that your thread died.

Not mad. Mildly annoyed maybe.
13 years

Will feederism ever be...

Gingersnaps wrote:
I mean really who cares? Do you want it to be accepted?

Excellent questions. I don't really know the answers to any of them. I don't have much of an agenda here--just curious what other people thought about this.

Gingersnaps wrote:
Is it so important?

Probably not--didn't say it was. I just think it's interesting.
13 years

Will feederism ever be...

This is a fascinating subject and reminds me of my dissetation at university. "Plump women and western society, the fear of getting fat" 1997. As all replies to this question have appeared relatively in some form on my dissertation. Amicuscuriosus, Moonchild and Kid A, all captured some of my writing.

In those days NAAFA seemed much more positive than it is today and Feederism was considered a fairly new concept. It certainly didn't have loads of the negative press that it has today. Feeders are seen as physical abusers and feedees, there must be some psycological problem with them (why would anyone want to abuse themselfs like that).

Kid A hit on a really important point about sexuality as in general most of society are inhibited about it. Try talking about sexual fantasies in general conversation, nearly everyone would get very guarded about it. If anyone openly announced that feederism was their desire in a group where there were no feeders or feedees, the individual would be considered so weird that they would be shunned by just about everyone else in that group. Indeed most fantasies get laughed at, but feederism is considered just about the worst legal fantasy.

That we all live in a capitalist society, much of "protestant ethic" values apply. In the case of feederism it goes compleatly against the grain of the values of denial being good for the soul (the reason why slim has become considered the norm over several years), which gradually led to body fascism. With the person who allows their emotions and desires to let loose as someone out of control. There have been so many medical studies that show being fat is nowhere near as unhealthy as it is portrayed, it seems feederism and weight gain should be celebrated not frowned upon.

As always the future is with the younger generations and that a greater number of youngsters these days seem to celebrate their desires more, I can definitely see feederism growing and in private enjoyed with less anxiety. However, it may take centuries, certainly decades for it to be accepted as something normal.

Sites like this help immeasurably as I know what it was like for years feeling unable to talk to anyone about it other than my wife (who even now doesn't truly understand why I find fat so sexy).
13 years

Will feederism ever be...

Moonchild wrote:
I personally happen to think that also means protecting the rights of smokers, drug users, and people who do lots of other unhealthy things, provided (especially in the case of drug users/drinkers combined with driving) it doesn't interfere with the rights of others.

Moonchild wrote:
Only then do we have the right to argue that we have a right to our own level of health, whatever that may be

I believe this too. Even though I am non-smoking, teetotal, non-drug user whenever I see new legislation that affects these areas it frustrates me. Not because I advocate anything to do with smoking etc. but because it scares me how much power governmental organizations have when they can affect the way companies and m*** populus behave. Here the UK small changes are already occurring. Food outlets who do not sell food deemed unhealthy will not be granted a licence to operate within a certain distance from any school. I'm always hearing predictions of higher tax on unhealthy foods or health warnings being sewn into plus sized clothing. It's leaning on tyrany.

"Anything that is not good for you is bad, hence illegal. Alcohol, caffine, contact sports, meat, bad language, chocolate, gasoline, uneducational toys and anything spicy. Abortion is also illegal but then again so is pregnacy if you don't have a licence." Demolishion Man (1993)
13 years

Will feederism ever be...

bellyguy1951 wrote:
But if you're talking emotional blackmail or physical force, then there is NO hope for that kind of feederism.

That goes without saying.

Even on this site, I don't think there are any serious advocates of that part of feederism.
12 years
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