
Close to 25 and still a virgin

I am really thinking about giving up. I am close to an age where it is expected to have done it already. I am at an age when people would rather settle and get married and have children. I feel like I am one of the very few out there who still has gotten any and have only dated one girl ever. I sometimes get the idea that if I meet a woman, it will send her running if she finds that I still have a v-card. I read forums and such and one part says that it's positive, and other parts say that some women don't want to teach a guy a few tricks. Should I give up on women? Should I have to resort to hiring a prostitute? Should I just have a female friend do me a favor? Should I still wait for that right woman? What do you think?
13 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

I've been given the "You need to get laid" trip and I've also been given the "You should have done it already" trip. Maybe the whole "expectation" deal is because of some stupid social norm. People often tell me to never use a prostitute, but then I have also been told that some women don't want a virgin because they either get too clingy or wouldn't know what to do and wouldn't know how to satisfy them. That last part is a catch 22, though. How is a guy supposed to get experience if a woman won't be willing to do the job?
13 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

I know what you people are saying and I get that, but is it true that if one waits too long, then he'll go through stuff like ED or low sex drive? I guess that's one reason why people choose to do it as early as possible.
13 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

EllieShazam wrote:
No, no that "use it before you lose it" saying is total bull poopoo.
Just because your not having sex doesn't mean you will have ED, or a low sex drive.

So tell me this: Are you one of those people who lost it sooner? The thing is that I have thought about an opportunity that I blew nearly 4 years ago because some girl liked me and took me back to her place and I didn't know exactly what she wanted me to do. Of course, I wasn't sure what to do because I didn't know whether or not that girl had feelings for me. But in other cases, looking back, it probably would have been stupid since I didn't love or really like the girl.

However, I have also read that late teens and early to mid 20s is when people are at their sexual peak. People have this whole perception that when people are young and full of energy and have to have this crazy sex life and have as much sex as possible before finally settling down.

However, I almost feel like I wasted my youth, but in other ways, I also feel like I don't have to worry about STDs or STIs, or even unwanted children. Even though I do want kids one day, I don't feel the slightest bit ready to have any right now.
13 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

At least I can see that there are people who are understanding of my situation and aren't giving me the "You need to get on it" trip. Personally, I've received that trip from a close friend and sometimes I wonder why he cares. It's not like if I lose it, it's going to free me or change me.
13 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

lusciousbibbw wrote:
I wanted to add this. I knew a lady who didn't lose her virginity until she was 28 and it was only because she hadn't yet. Within six months she had herpes because she was screwing anything that moved just to make up for 'lost time'. It wasn't worth it.

So basically she became a sex addict within the span of 6 months and got herpes in the process? Wow, I guess there benefits to still holding my v-card.
13 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

If I may ask, what kind of did her parents feed her mind? Like all guys are out to get into girls' panties and such. Not all guys are like that.

I assume she didn't use protection, but from what you told me, I'm also surprised she didn't get pregnant, or did she?
13 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

NummyOne wrote:
I'm like everyone else here for the most part: If it happens, it happens. I never thought I would lose my virginity (especially at 17) but ya know, I did. Don't try to think about how much "love" you have to be in with your partner either 'cause that can get messy (and be a headache). You also probably won't eternally be with your first lover either so don't worry about the future of it-just enjoy the now and her.

I agree with your statement. I have even considered using a female friend to do me a favor before, probably because I had been lusting after her and if that happened, I would have fulfilled my fantasies. Though my other perspective is that I should do it with someone I'm dating and if it goes there, it goes there.

I never understood this whole "Rite of P@$$age" (For some reason, they censor those 3 letters even in different words) BS or this idea that whoever does it becomes a man or woman officially because being a virgin still means that the person is still a child. Despite not having done it, I've done a lot of research and many people say that it's not nearly the life-changer that society and the media makes it out to be. Having a relief is one thing, but it won't make someone more mature. I remember some girl once told me that if I stuck my tab in a slot, it will give me a lot of confidence, which I don't exactly believe. It could to some degree, but I've even read that people can still have confidence whether the person is a virgin or not. There are some non-virgins out there who still are shy and lack confidence.
13 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

Well, I'm at a point since I am one month from turning the two-five and it still has yet to actually happen. I should just try talking to women to see what could happen, even if it means at random.
13 years

Close to 25 and still a virgin

I lost my virginity at 21, just so that I wasn't a virgin anymore. She was the one doing all the moves to get me in bed. She did turn me on, but I didn't really feel that much for her and the sex was moderate at best. This made me believe sex was very much over rated.

I later met a wonderful 19 year old girl shortly before my 25th, this was only my second time and I was open enough to tell her that, because she was so genuine. I had got to 25 when we did make love. The sex was unbelievably good, because we fancied and loved each other so much. She said it would have been so wonderful if she had popped my cherry, even though she wasn't overly experienced herself. It was something very special, but could have been even more so had I waited for my special girl. We had just under 5 glorious years together and I will always have those lovely memories of our relationship.

It really shouldn't matter what age you lose your virginity. This is something you learn as you get older. When your a teenager and into your early twenties you always seem desperate to lose it. As if that really proves your a man, believe me it doesn't. Waiting for someone you really have feelings for is what you need, for something that should be a special moment.
13 years
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